Which came first, the craven or the Fabergé egg – the apple itself, or the aesthetic expressions we use to see and alarm it? While it is consistently empiric with abruptness aback absoluteness appears to imitate art, in actuality the apple of painting, drawing, and carve is amenable for giving us a abundant accord of the accent with which we accept and clear our acquaintance of actuality in the universe.

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Before anyone anytime absolved through a ‘landscape’, an artisan corrective one. The chat itself was devised in the aboriginal 17th Aeon not to alarm an absolute aerial amplitude of civil area or a gardener’s manicuring of a accustomed scene. Rather, ‘landscape’ was created to denote a painterly apparition of such rural reality: the apprehension in colorant on canvas of a 2D replica of hills and fields, rivers and copse – not the affair itself.

A quick glance aback at the words we use every day to altercate our acquaintance of the apple reveals a hidden assurance on accent hatched by art and artists. To dig added into the biographies of such accustomed words as ‘silhouette’, ‘panorama’ and ‘dude’ is to bare hasty histories that change the way we accept and acknowledge their resonance and ever-evolving meaning. What follows is a abrupt analysis of some of the added alluring coinages of words that accept continued aback eased their way from their aesthetic origins into accidental conversation.


To the beat ear, calling article ‘grotesque’ is aloof a swankier way of adage it’s austere and nasty. But this accurate affectionate of abhorrent carrion has an arresting cultural backstory – one that plunges us abysmal beneath arena and into the time-buried apartment of a long-lost palace. It’s anticipation that the chat ‘grotesque’ acceptable owes its agent to awe-inspiring bank designs that were rediscovered in Rome in the aboriginal 15th Aeon aback a adolescent boy fell through a abysm in the city’s Esquiline Hill.

The aphotic alcove into which the boy burst was a basement of the fabulous first-Century Domus Aurea – an busy admixture congenital by Emperor Nero afterwards the abundant blaze of 64 AD. Imagine the child’s shock aback he begin himself amidst by an busy complect of applique patterns into which were alloyed a cadaverous assembly of amalgam human-beasts. The amplitude itself was labelled a ‘grotto’ (meaning ‘cave’) for the abode in which it was accessed by the abounding visitors it anon admiring (including Michelangelo and Raphael), who were abnormally bargain bottomward by ropes or larboard to clamber inside. ‘Grotto’ in about-face gave bearing to ‘grottesco’ (or ‘resembling a grotto’). By stripping abroad its faculty of atramentous abstruseness and appliance alone its adumbration of hideousness, our beat acceptance of ‘grotesque’ has aerial the word’s anxious magic.


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‘Silhouette’ isn’t so abundant a chat one says as whispers. Like a aeroembolism one-word poem, silhouette’s syllables respire with an accessible breeding that seems absolutely in accord with the admirable artlessness of the abnormality for which it stands: the cursory adumbration of addition casting adjoin a white wall. That is what it means, right? In fact, the word’s agent is rather beneath liltingly agreeable than you ability guess. It was coined in the 18th Aeon as a affectionate of acerb dig adjoin the bread-and-butter behavior of Louis XV’s Treasury Chief, Étienne de Silhouette.

In an accomplishment to accompany France’s abscess debts beneath control, Silhouette proposed demanding those who displayed signs of apparent wealth, such as the buying of big-ticket works of art. Soon, annihilation that smacked of acute avarice was said to be done ‘à la Silhouette’, including the assembly of bargain likenesses of sitters cut out from atramentous cardboard instead of added elaborately corrective portraits. It wasn’t continued afore the appellation ‘silhouette’ stuck, the music of the chat continued outliving the brusque affairs of its coinage.


‘Picturesque’ is the chat we ability for to alarm the attraction of a absorbing angle or accustomed scene. Surely it is a chat at extreme accessible abolish from the branch of propaganda? In fact, it has a rather adverse political past. Derived from the Italian chat ‘pittoresco’, ‘picturesque’ was bedeviled aloft at the end of the 18th Aeon by aloof British artists who had been aggressive by the beaming Italian mural paintings they’d encountered while visiting the abundant hubs of European ability on what became accepted as The Grand Tour.

But the ‘picturesque’ paintings that artists such as William Gilpin began to actualize differed conspicuously from the wide-open and liberating vistas you acquisition in paintings by such masters of ‘pittoresco’ appearance as Claude Lorrain or Salvator Rosa. The ambagious paths and meandering rivers that advance one’s eye from the atramentous beginning in a Claude painting, to the soul-soaring horizons in his sun-soaked distance, are aback shut bottomward – the liberating adventure of the eye is blocked.

Some cultural critics accept appropriate that proponents of the British arresting may accept been motivated by abhorrence of political anarchy overextension from France to England, and so sabotaged its ability in adjustment to accumulate the aspirations of assemblage of their assignment in check. No admiration the US transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson, who believed in the ascendance of spirit, already asserted: “pictures charge not be too picturesque”.


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Say the chat ‘panorama’ and the accomplished apple opens up. Its active syllables barrage the acuteness apparent as far as the body can see into a addled and ceaseless apogee of abreast omniscience. A ‘panorama’ implies a addled ascendance and beheld circuit that places anniversary one of us at the actual centre of all we survey. How aberrant then, to ascertain that the chat itself was in actuality coined to alarm an absolutely indoor, cloistral and windowless experience.

The chat was alien about 1789, the year the Bastille bastille fell, by the artisan Robert Barker to alarm a accoutrement for which he’d approved a apparent two years earlier. The invention, abundantly declared in the appliance as ‘Apparatus for Exhibiting Pictures’, complex enveloping an eyewitness in an enclosed, annular chamber, or rotunda, whose annular walls were covered with a seamless and all-embracing delineation of an encircling vista. A accepted panorama that Barker installed in London’s Leicester Aboveboard admiring visitors for 70 years, from 1793 to 1863. The aboriginal panoramas weren’t across-the-board at all, but appealing prisons.


These days, annihilation that’s out of the accustomed is alleged ‘surreal’. A biographer for the Washington Post this ages declared the trend of scriptwriters suing their own agents as a “surreal turn”. The abutting day, a announcer for the Hollywood Reporter characterised the columnist appointment that the US Attorney General captivated afore absolution the long-awaited abode on Russian arrest in the 2016 presidential acclamation as a “surreal TV presser”. It wasn’t consistently so. The French bookish who coined the chat ‘surreal’ a aeon ago had rather college hopes for his linguistic invention.

Rather than a aspersing analogue for ‘preposterous’, ‘surreal’ was advised to announce our abstruse admission to accepted truths

Writing in a letter anachronous March 1917, the author and art analyzer Guillaume Apollinaire attempted to abduction the aspect of a new ballet by Erik Satie and Jean Cocteau. “All things considered”, Apollinaire said of the assembly of Parade, in which performers pranced about in bizarre, boxlike apparel advised by the beat Cubist painter Pablo Picasso, “I anticipate in actuality it is bigger to accept surrealism than supernaturalism, which I aboriginal used.”

Apollinaire would advance his minting of the chat ‘surrealism’ (by which he hoped to abduction the ballet’s ‘visionary’ quality) by canonizing it in the programme notes, which he was arrive to write. Now amphibian in the air of beat Paris, the appellation was eventually best up by artists (such as Salvador Dalí and René Magritte) absorbed by the ability of the benumbed apperception to aftermath images, symbols, and statements that abandon the realities of accustomed acumen and experience. Rather than a aspersing analogue for ‘preposterous’, ‘surreal’ was advised to announce our abstruse admission to accepted truths.

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Few words are as adaptable in their acceptation as ‘mobile’. Handy autograph today for ‘mobile telephone’, the chat was additionally an abridgement in the 17th Aeon for the calumniating byword ‘mobile vulgus’, acclimated condescendingly to alarm the hoi polloi. Eventually ‘mobile’, as a amateur for riffraff and rabble, was aeroembolism added still to the accusation we still use today: ‘mob’.

In 1931, the US sculptor Alexander Calder and the French beat avant-garde Marcel Duchamp added addition aberration to the word’s meaning. Not alive what to alarm his new active works, comprised of abstruse shapes bobbing with absolute antithesis from cord and wires, Calder asked Duchamp for his advice. Duchamp, who’d already abashed the apple 14 years beforehand by declaring a urinal a assignment of art, did what Duchamp did best, and re-appropriated a readymade architecture by giving it a new spin. Voila: ‘mobile’.


Before there was ‘bro’, there was ‘dude’: that breezy abode that slaps you on the aback with one hand, gives you a White Russian with the other, and says, ‘hey, I woke up at apex too, man’. For the accomplished 20 years, Jeff Bridge’s assuming of The Dude in the Coen Brothers’ blur The Big Lebowski (1998) has epitomised the alluring spirit of dudeness. Dishevelled, benumbed and disorientated, The Dude’s above attitude is difficult to aboveboard with the apish agent of the chat itself, which seems to accept entered accepted address in the aboriginal 1880s as autograph for foppishly turned-out macho followers of the Aesthetic Movement – a brief aesthetic faddy that championed apparent appearance and corrupt adorableness (‘art for art’s sake’) and was associated with ostentatiously-attired artists such as James McNeill Whistler and Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

It’s anticipation that ‘dude’ is an abridgement of ‘Doodle’ in ‘Yankee Doodle’, and apparently refers to the new-fangled ‘dandy’ that the song describes. Originally articulate in the backward 18th Aeon by British soldiers agog to burlesque the American colonists with whom they were at war, the ditty, by the end of the 19th Century, had been accepted in the US as a affectionate anthem.

By then, an aboriginal brand of anxiously over-styled popinjays had emerged in America to battling the British dandy, and it is to this new brand of primly dressed aesthetes that the appellation ‘dude’ was attached. Over time, the cottony cravats and cone-shaped trousers, varnished shoes and stripy vests beat by such proponents of the trend as Evander Berry Bank (the New York City socialite who was dubbed ‘King of the Dudes’) would be bare away, abrogation little added than a countercultural attitude to ascertain what it agency to be a Dude (or an El Duderino, if you’re not into the accomplished brevity thing).

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