The U.S. Department of Agronomics (USDA) has issued its hotly advancing Interim Final Rule (IFR). The IFR accouterments the hemp-related accoutrement of the Agronomical Improvement Act of 2018 (the “2018 Farm Bill”). Both the IFR and 2018 Farm Bill administer appropriately to states and Indian tribes. To abstain repetition, alone “states” are referenced here.

The IFR was appear Oct. 31, 2019, and became able immediately. It is already impacting the beginning U.S. hemp industry.
States charge apparatus the IFR either by developing accumulation affairs or adopting USDA’s plan from the IFR. But some states are allotment to adjourn this decision.
The 2018 Farm Bill continued the ascendancy to aftermath hemp through accompaniment “pilot programs” beneath the Agronomical Act of 2014 (the “2014 Farm Bill”) for one year afterwards USDA’s absolution of its accumulation plan. So, states with absolute pilot programs can adjournment implementing the IFR through the 2020 growing season. This is important, for one, accustomed abounding states’ apropos over the IFR. Added states, including some with pilot programs, apperceive advantages to implementing the IFR sooner.
It is appropriately advantageous to appraise the IFR alongside the 2014 and 2018 Farm Bills, calm with a analysis of how some states accept approached hemp accumulation ahead and are responding to the IFR now.
The 2014 Farm Bill accustomed accompaniment departments of agronomics and universities to aftermath hemp “for purposes of analysis conducted beneath an agronomical pilot affairs or added agronomical or bookish research.” The law authentic “pilot programs” but did little to analyze the acceptation of hemp accumulation “for purposes of research.” Congress about delegated this ascendancy to states, afterwards advertence either USDA or the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
Many states anon allowable self-styled pilot programs. Hemp accumulation steadily added as a result. The IFR letters that 9,649 acreage were harvested civic in 2016, which had added to 77,844 acreage by 2018.
Apparently gluttonous to advance some oversight, in August 2016, USDA issued a collective “Statement of Principles” forth with DEA and the Food and Drug Administration. They activate that, in accession to accompaniment agronomics departments and universities, (1) “persons licensed, registered, or contrarily authorized” to “conduct research” could aftermath hemp beneath a pilot program; and (2) for “purposes of business research,” hemp articles could be awash aural and amid states accepting pilot programs, but “not for the purpose of accepted bartering activity.”
USDA afterwards fatigued in the IFR that “the 2018 Farm Bill permits bartering accumulation of hemp, and the 2014 Farm Bill permits accumulation of hemp for analysis purposes only.” Yet USDA attributed all antecedent hemp accumulation to the 2014 Farm Bill.
In particular, states accountant 527,869 acreage for burying in 2019, a 460% access over 2018, according to Vote Hemp, a admired advancement organization. While absolute totals are not yet available, Vote Hemp estimates up to 142,500 acreage will be harvested in 2019. USDA affairs to aspect this absolute bulk to advancing pilot programs, as able-bodied as 50% of the advancing 2020 harvest.
It seems a amplitude to argue that all hemp accumulation to date has been for “research” purposes. Most went to satisfy—and helped generate—the skyrocketing bartering appeal for cannabidiol (CBD). What is clear? States interpreted their 2014 Farm Bill ascendancy absolutely broadly. Nothing beneath should be accepted from states that abide operating pilot programs in 2020.

Upon acceptable law aftermost December, the 2018 Farm Bill was beheld by many, including states, as anon acceding alike greater hemp production. Whether this was the case or USDA aboriginal had to affair the IFR, as it appropriate by advertence 2019 and 2020 accumulation to the 2014 Farm Bill, is now mostly academic. States bedeviled the initiative, as the huge 2019 licensing access shows.
The absolute aspects of the 2018 Farm Bill are able-bodied publicized. Amid others, it legalized hemp and banned states from interfering with the artery carriage of hemp and hemp products. The new law additionally accustomed states either to advance their own accumulation affairs or to await on USDA’s plan in the IFR.
But the IFR, which reflects USDA’s estimation of the 2018 Farm Bill, additionally raises cogent concerns. These include: (1) acute that hemp samples be calm for testing by USDA-approved agents aural 15 canicule of advancing harvest; (2) arty a “total THC” standard, whereby laboratories charge amalgamate delta-9 THC with THCA back testing whether the 0.3% THC accustomed beginning for defining hemp is satisfied; (3) allowing alone DEA-registered laboratories to analysis for THC content; and (4) defining the accumulation of cannabis with annihilation over 0.5% THC as a “negligent violation” and potentially a crime.
The absolute amount to which these and added IFR accoutrement will appulse hemp accumulation charcoal unknown. For one, afterwards accepting accessible comments (now due January 29, 2020), USDA gave itself two years, until Nov. 1, 2021, to affair final regulations. USDA seems acceptable to alter assertive aspects of the IFR. In the meantime, though, the IFR will abide absolutely in effect.
Of course, the 2018 Farm Bill additionally continued the 2014 Farm Bill ascendancy for one year. States appropriately may abide operating pilot programs until Oct. 31, 2020. This bureau states may additionally administer absolute hemp laws and regulations during the 2020 growing season, allegedly including their pre-IFR interpretations of the 2018 Farm Bill. This ability be beheld as affording producers in such states a abatement of sorts from the IFR. Conversely, states that accept to apparatus the IFR now may appearance dabbling as disadvantageous.
USDA’s website summarizes the cachet of assorted accompaniment hemp programs. But USDA omits key capacity and misstates others. The afterward reviews how several states accept approached hemp accumulation ahead and, based on accepted information, how they intend to advance during 2020. Note that absolute autumn abstracts for 2019 are not yet available.
Colorado is conceivably the country’s arch hemp producer. Its amends of adult-use marijuana in 2012 may accept accustomed the accompaniment a arch alpha on its hemp program. According to Vote Hemp, Colorado went from agriculture 9,700 acreage in 2017 to 21,578 in 2018, almost abaft Montana. Colorado again accountant 80,225 acreage in 2019, far added than any added state.
The Colorado Department of Agronomics (CDA) provides little advice on its website apropos its access to the IFR. But CDA admiral accepted their ambition in interviews to accomplish Colorado’s pilot affairs through the 2020 growing season. CDA is alive carefully with USDA, they said, and intends to abide its accompaniment plan in January 2020, acquainted that it won’t become able until afterwards October.

Tennessee accustomed its hemp pilot affairs in April 2014. According to Vote Hemp, Tennessee added its hemp autumn from 200 acreage in 2017 to 3,338 in 2018. The Tennessee Department of Agronomics (TDA) letters on its website that the accompaniment accountant 3,800 producers in 2019 to bulb up to 51,000 acres.
TDA submitted a abstract accumulation plan to USDA in February 2019, which the bureau bootless to address, allegedly awaiting arising of the IFR. USDA has advised added states similarly. TDA’s website states that “no actual changes are expected” to its hemp program. While intending to abide a revised plan to USDA “sometime abutting year,” admiral accepted in interviews that TDA will abide operating its pilot affairs in 2020. By comparison, USDA’s website states that Tennessee’s accumulation plan is “under review.”
Kentucky led the improvement in civic hemp production. Vote Hemp letters that Kentucky’s autumn rose from 3,271 acreage in 2017 to 6,700 in 2018. Kentucky again added its accountant acreage from 16,139 in 2018 to 60,119 in 2019, a 272% jump, and additional abaft alone Colorado.
Kentucky’s acknowledgment to the IFR differs clearly from that of Colorado and Tennessee. The Kentucky Department of Agronomics (KDA) states on its website: “The 2019 affairs year is the end of the analysis pilot program” as the accompaniment prepares “to alteration to abounding bartering production…for 2020 beneath a USDA accustomed accompaniment plan.” New regulations for 2020 will be appear as anon as accessible afterwards USDA approval.
Montana vies with Colorado as the arch hemp producer. Montana alone implemented its pilot affairs in 2017, back it harvested 542 acres. That akin added to 22,000 acreage during 2018, according to Vote Hemp. Montana accountant 40,000 acreage in 2019, up from 25,000 in 2018.
Montana submitted a accumulation plan to USDA in February 2019. According to interviews with accompaniment officials, the Montana Department of Agronomics (MDA) has bidding apropos to USDA over the IFR, to accommodate the claim that cannabis with added than 0.3% THC but beneath 0.5% be destroyed. MDA intends to alike with USDA apropos this and added issues. If USDA rejects its requests, MDA declared that it will accomplish beneath its pilot affairs in 2020.
North Carolina
North Carolina accustomed its pilot affairs in 2016 and added its autumn from 965 acreage in 2017 to 3,184 in 2018, as appear by Vote Hemp. North Carolina additionally added accountant acreage from 4,548 in 2018 and 15,090 in 2019.

The North Carolina Department of Agronomics (NCDA) states on its website that, until added notice, it will abide operating its pilot program. In November 2019, North Carolina’s Industrial Hemp Commission anesthetized a resolution award that, if a awaiting bill in the accompaniment accepted accumulation becomes law, as expected, USDA would acceptable adios any agnate accompaniment plan. Because North Carolina would again accept no accompaniment plan, the Commission recommended allowing the pilot affairs to abide operating through 2020. As of now, USDA’s website arbitrary does not advertence North Carolina.
South Carolina
South Carolina alone implemented its pilot affairs in May 2018, back the South Carolina Department of Agronomics (SCDA) accountant 20 hemp producers to bulb 365 acres. They ultimately harvested 256 acres. SDCA accountant 3,300 acreage in 2019.
SCDA’s website states that it submitted a “placeholder” plan to USDA in August 2019 and intends to abide a revised plan by Jan. 15, 2020. SCDA expects this plan to be accustomed and in abode for the 2020 growing season. USDA’s website additionally does not advertence South Carolina.
Florida had no hemp affairs afore 2019, back the Florida Department of Agronomics (FDA) accustomed two universities to activate growing hemp for analysis purposes. Florida’s law establishing its hemp affairs took aftereffect on July 1, 2019. It references alone the 2018 Farm Bill, suggesting that Florida has no ambition to augment its pilot program.
FDA’s website describes its ambition to access “USDA review” this fall. FDA appropriately appears to be advancing a accumulation plan for USDA approval in time for the 2020 growing season. This is constant with USDA’s description of Florida on its website. Implementing such a plan will acceptable crave Florida to alter its anew allowable law, a anticipation added states will confront, as well.
Competition amid states is intense. Colorado and Tennessee, ranked additional and fifth in 2018 production, respectively, are advancement their hemp pilot programs during 2020. Besides added accessible reasons, they allegedly accept this access serves their producers’ best interests. Montana and North Carolina, ranked aboriginal and sixth, are demography added nuanced routes, but will acceptable access at the aforementioned outcome.
By contrast, Kentucky seems assertive that implementing the IFR now is advantageous. Kentucky’s Commissioner of Agronomics has declared the absorbed to accomplish his state, the fourth better ambassador in 2018, “the epicenter of hemp accumulation in the United States.” Accepting had the additional accomplished licensing akin in 2019, it will be cogent whether Kentucky performs analogously abutting year, including in agreement of production.
Meanwhile, Vote Hemp letters that Arizona, California, Illinois, Oklahoma, New York and Wisconsin – none of which had hemp pilot programs or any accountant acreage in 2018 – anniversary accountant added than North Carolina in 2019. Texas, admitting accepting amazing potential, delayed acceding any hemp production, alike in 2019, until afterwards USDA issued the IFR.

It’s difficult to barometer which accompaniment action is preferable. Much absolutely depends on anniversary state’s circumstances. Constant requirements beyond all states ability itself be beneficial. Whether or back this will appear charcoal to be seen.
Jeffery C. Lowe is an columnist and advocate in Tennessee with Hemp Dig, Inc., an online hemp and hemp articles marketplace.
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