[1.] In the Dec. 2018 SFM, LLC v. Corcamore, LLC decision, the Brand Trial & Address Lath had some acrid things to say about Corcamore's activity tactics, including:

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It is accessible from a analysis of the almanac that Respondent has been agreeable for years in dabbling tactics, including the adamant apathy of Lath orders, demanding Lath assets and arresting Petitioner's case of this case. In appearance thereof, Petitioner's motion for sanctions in the anatomy of acumen adjoin Respondent additionally is accepted pursuant to the Board's inherent ascendancy to sanction.

Corcamore's advocate in the case was Charles L. Thomason (listed in the calendar as actuality in Columbus, Ohio), who was a analytic assistant at Ohio Accompaniment University Moritz College of Law until his contempo retirement. The TTAB's accommodation is now on address to the Federal Circuit.

[2.] A few canicule later, the TTABlog, accounting by brand advocate John L. Welch, acquaint an account summarizing the case (though not advertence Prof. Thomason's name), and abacus (as an display to the Prof. Thomason's Complaint notes), "TTABlog comment: What about a sanction adjoin counsel?" This led to three comments, which I adduce from addition display to the Complaint:

[3.] Aftermost week, Prof. Thomason sued the three commenters for libel; but it seems to me that his acknowledged approach is not sound.

[A.] The Dreitler animadversion began with what seems to be a actual account of two facts—that Corcamore's advocate was an Ohio Accompaniment law professor, and that the applicant was sanctioned. It seems to err in adage that the "case [was] dismissed"; rather, it was the client's activity to the abandoning proceeding that was finer dismissed, and the added ancillary prevailed. But that mischaracterization of the procedural bearings wouldn't be damaging to Prof. Thomason's reputation; the association of "case [was] dismissed" is that the applicant lost, and that is correct. (Note additionally that Prof. Thomason has allegedly retired, and the aftermost chic I could acquisition him teaching was in Spring 2018, so it's accessible that the Dreitler animadversion was hardly estimated in its tense; but any absurdity as to that wouldn't be damaging to Prof. Thomason's reputation, either, and Thomason's Complaint added about speaks of Thomason as a law professor, in the present tense.)

The Dreitler animadversion afresh angry to an inference that the advocate is amenable for the aftereffect and the activity tactics, followed by an assessment about what should happen, and what the advocate allegedly deserves: "the Lath absolutely care to sanction" the lawyer. But such opinions, about aspersing they may be, aren't actionable libel.

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Now aspersion law recognizes that "a account in the anatomy of an opinion" may be actionable "if it implies the accusation of bearding abusive actuality as the base for the opinion." (That's from the Restatement (Second) of Torts § 566, which the Kentucky Supreme Cloister has especially adopted.) But "where the analyst states the facts on which the assessment is based, or area both parties to the advice apperceive or accept the absolute facts on which the animadversion is acutely based," there can be no liability. And that seems to be what happened here: The antecedent TTABlog column abbreviated the cloister assessment (in a way that Thomason's Complaint doesn't affirmation is defamatory); the animadversion accurately declared a added actuality (that Thomason was a law professor) and afresh bidding an assessment based on those facts.

Thomason's Complaint says,

[31.] Amateur Joseph Dreitler's comments defamed plaintiff, in particular, plaintiff's professionalism, acknowledged ability, as able-bodied as his continuing as a full-time adroitness affiliate teaching at the College of Law of The Ohio Accompaniment University.

[32.] Amateur Joseph Dreitler's comments declared or adumbrated that plaintiff was unfit for his job and duties as a law professor.

But this doesn't explain why Dreitler's animadversion independent any apocryphal absolute allegation, as adjoin to aspersing opinions. Later, the Complaint asserts (in ¶ 63) that, "each defendants' comments betoken or accord the consequence that they accept ability of added apocryphal and abusive facts, on which they relied back autograph the comments they arise on non-party Welch's blog." But I don't see how that's so: Rather, the comments arise to aloof accredit to the aboriginal column and the assessment cited in it, plus, in Ms. deWolf's case, the added assessment that she cites.

[B.] The Reidl animadversion additionally seems to be opinion: An apparent "guess" that Thomason, as the lawyer, was amenable for the party's filings (an inference from the appear facts), followed by an inference about Thomason's brainy accompaniment accompanying (that he is one of those "lawyers who anticipate this is all a bold that they … 'win' by actuality jerks"). "[A]nyone is advantaged to brainstorm on a person's motives from the accepted facts of his behavior." Haynes v. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 8 F.3d 1222, 1227 (7th Cir. 1993); see additionally Scholz v. Delp, 473 Mass. 242, 251, 41 N.E.3d 38, 46 (2015); Gacek v. Owens & Minor Distribution, Inc., 666 F.3d 1142, 1147-48 (8th Cir. 2012).

The Complaint asserts,

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[37.] The comments amateur Paul Reidl arise to non-party Welch's blog column were abusive and directed at the plaintiff, and were abusive per se beneath Kentucky law….

[38.] Defendant's comments declared or adumbrated that plaintiff was unfit for his job and duties as a law professor, and abandoned as an IP activity attorney….

[63.] The defendants' comments accommodate apocryphal assertions about the plaintiff "teaching at the Ohio Accompaniment law school," apocryphal advertence to attorney-client advantaged communications about "TTAB procedure" and apocryphal assertions about the applicant not "being advised" but un-advised and so alive "nothing" about such procedures, awful comments that plaintiff is a "lawyer who thinks" adjudicative procedures are "a game," and is a "jerk," and that the plaintiff is "unprofessional" alike admitting that chat never appears in the Abandoning accommodation referenced in non-party Welch's blog post.

But afresh it doesn't explain how the comments independent apocryphal absolute assertions, as adjoin to debasing characterizations and opinions.

[C.] The deWolf animadversion accurately credibility out that Thomason had "been declared out for amateurish conduct" by the Thomason v. Lehrer assessment (issued Aug. 21, 1998); that assessment begins,

In what has abominably become a far too common accident in this era of "scorched-earth" activity tactics, an aberrant advocate has absent afterimage of his able obligations to his client, his profession, and this Court.

And it continues,

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The affairs of this case, however, present the black account of a advocate who has beyond the abuttals of accepted advancement into claimed accusation adjoin his adversary. Lawyers are not free, like apart cannons, to blaze at will aloft any ambition of befalling which appears on the acknowledged landscape. The convenance of law is not and cannot be a "free blaze zone." While I will appoint these sanctions pursuant to the ascendancy conferred aloft me by Rule 11, I accompany with those who appetite the acknowledged profession to acknowledgment to the standards of professionalism which accept characterized the bar throughout the history of our nation.

Thomason's complaint altar (¶ 45) that "Defendant deWolf's animadversion bare advertence that a after accommodation of the U.S. Cloister of Appeals for the Third Circuit abrogated the Lehrer case." Indeed, the Third Circuit accommodation in U.S. Express Lines, Inc. v. Higgins, did about-face one of the acknowledged abstracts in a after (Oct. 27, 1998) assessment in Thomason: The Commune Cloister in Thomason had abandoned Thomason's corruption of activity claim, on the area that declared delinquency in a federal case should be dealt with aural that case, rather than through a new lawsuit; the Third Circuit in U.S Express Lines abandoned that position. But the affection of the Aug. 21, 1998 Thomason assessment acicular to by deWolf seems to me to accept been artless by U.S. Express Lines; the cloister wrote in that opinion,

Thomason's area 1983 claim, specifically, the accusation that Lehrer acted beneath blush of accompaniment or federal law by apery Absolute and Knight in asserting counterclaims adjoin Thomason, is sanctionable under, inter alia, Rule 11(b)(2) because it is not acceptable by absolute law or nonfrivolous arguments for an addendum or amplification of absolute law….

As I accept already held, Thomason's allegations that Lehrer acted beneath blush of accompaniment or federal law in apery Absolute and Knight back Absolute and Knight called Thomason as a Amateur to their counterclaims, are wholly after merit. Alike a accidental investigation, let abandoned the reasonable analysis appropriate by Rule 11, see Fed.R.Civ.P. 11(b), would accept appear to Thomason that abundant added accord by the accompaniment and abracadabra of accompaniment admiral and procedures is appropriate to transform the advocate apery the applicant who abandoned alleges those claims into a accompaniment amateur for the purposes of area 1983. Count I of the Second Amended Counterclaim was not "warranted by absolute law or by a nonfrivolous altercation for the extension, modification, or changeabout of absolute law or the enactment of new law."

And that "call[ing] out" of Thomason, to my knowledge, had not been antipodal by the Third Circuit.

[4.] I'm additionally agnostic that the federal cloister in Kentucky has claimed administration over the commenters, who assume to be in Ohio, California, and New York. The caselaw on Internet aspersion administration is complicated, but the best on-point Sixth Circuit case seems to cut adjoin Thomason here. (That accommodation is abstruse and accordingly abandoned actuating antecedent rather than bounden precedent, but it has been cited over 40 times by federal commune courts in the Sixth Circuit.) In that case, the Sixth Circuit captivated that there was no administration in Ohio over Internet commenters who batten about an Ohioan:

[W]hile the "content" of the advertisement was about an Ohio resident, it did not affair that resident's Ohio activities. Furthermore, annihilation on the website accurately targets or is alike directed at Ohio readers, as adjoin to the association of added states. Appellant argues that if [defendant's] ambition was abandoned to ability Massachusetts readers, afresh he should accept acclimated abandoned bounded media, not the internet. The law does not crave that bodies abstain application the internet altogether in adjustment to abstain availing themselves of the laws of every state. See Revell v. Lidov, 317 F.3d 467, 473 (5th Cir.2002) (finding that Columbia University's aliment of a website and internet bulletin board, on which one of its advisers acquaint an commodity that criticized the Texas plaintiff, was bereft to advise claimed administration in Texas over the university or the professor, because the "article accounting by Lidov about Revell contains no advertence to Texas, nor does it accredit to the Texas activities of Revell, and it was not directed at Texas readers as acclaimed from readers in added states"). Additionally, although Appellant claims that [defendant]'s website links to a chic activity anatomy and thereby solicits litigants, there is annihilation in this anatomy that targets Ohio, let abandoned mentions [plaintiff], and there is no accusation that [defendant] acclimated this anatomy to accomplish again online contacts with Ohio residents. Consequently, because the website was not directed against Ohio in its agreeable or in its ambition audience, the case is afterpiece to Revell and Reynolds than Calder.

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Change Ohio actuality to Kentucky (the accompaniment in which Thomason sued), and the adduce fits well: The commenters weren't speaking about Kentucky, advisedly acclamation Kentucky residents, or opining about some Kentucky-specific activities on Thomason's part.

So my assumption is that defendants can bound get the case absolved on claimed administration grounds, or, if necessary, on a 12(b)(6) motion to abolish for abortion to accompaniment a claim. I'll try to accumulate our readers acquaint as to any absolute developments.

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