The Auditor-General of the Federation, Mr. Anthony Ayine, has appear that some federal government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) spent N26.606 billion in 2017 after acquittal vouchers or requisite approvals for such expenditures.

The address adumbrated that massive banking infractions were still accustomed in abounding MDAs, in animosity of the anti-corruption attitude of the President Muhammadu Buhari administration.
He said, “We advised the payments procedures and behavior in MDAs adjoin the continuing Regulations and Behavior of the Federal Government and begin out that several payments totalling ¦ 26,604,515,374.55 was fabricated with a absolute of 140 infractions articular in the payments fabricated by the MDAs.
“The sum of N8,608,588,928.68 was expended in 25 infractions after presenting acquittal vouchers to absolve the payments fabricated in the transactions, which is adverse to the accoutrement of FR 601, which states “All acquittal entries in the banknote book/accounts shall be vouched for on one of the assigned treasury forms.
“Vouchers shall be fabricated out in favour of the actuality or bodies to whom the money is absolutely due. Beneath no affairs shall a cheque be aloft or banknote paid for casework for which a agenda has not been raised.”
“Also, a absolute of 10 MDAs boarded on all-embracing campaign and trainings after requisite approval from the adapted authorities as defined in Actual Circulars, thereby, expending the sum of N2,660,420,450.05 on all-embracing campaign admitting austere brake placed on it. Furthermore, the sum of N2,789,475,927.84 was expended after accouterment acknowledging abstracts to the acquittal vouchers in 22 infractions in the MDAs”
MDAs that fell beneath the class of those that had outstanding acquittal vouchers/missing acquittal vouchers/accounting annal not presented for audit were led by the Ministry of Adopted Affairs with N4. 385 billion; Federal Universities of Technology Akure and Owerri with N 237. 096 actor and N188. 768 million, respectively. In addition entry, FUT Owerri was said to accept fabricated a acquittal of N1.050 billion after any acknowledging document.
The Federal University of Lokoja topped the account of MDAs that misapplied funds with N707.625 million.
MDAs that fabricated aberrant payments were led by University of Ilorin with N 513.923 million; Federal University of Petroleum Resources with N350.412 million; National Examination Council, N298.350 million.

The AuGF appear that the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) spent N2.193 billion on all-embracing travels, in the year beneath review, after approval.
N20b unremitted
The address adumbrated added that acquirement breeding agencies and added parastatals bootless to address over N20.675 billion into the treasury.
“It was empiric from the 2017 analysis that Acquirement Breeding Agencies and added Ministries, Departments and Agencies who abstract the approved Withholding Taxes, Value Added Taxes, Stamp Duty, Capital Gains Tax and added approved taxes did not backpack out their duties appropriately to the account of the Federal Government, thereby arch to a cogent abridgement in acquirement accruable to the Federal Government.

“Overall, analysis begin that the sum of N20,675,801,479.59 (Twenty billion, six hundred and seventy-five million, eight hundred and one thousand, four hundred and seventy nine naira, fifty nine kobo) in assorted Taxes (PAYE, WHT, VAT, etc.) in the year beneath review, was not remitted to the Consolidated Acquirement Fund of the Federal Government by Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs). Details are provided in the table below,” the address said.
The AuGF recommended that all Chief Accounting Officers of afflicted MDAs be accustomed that the Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning should accompany all MDAs on lath the Government Integrated Banking Management Information System (GIFMIS) to block the aloft infractions.
“The Minister of Finance should ensure that all MDAs are absolutely on the GIFMIS belvedere and that no acquittal is fabricated after casual through the platform. The use of chiral acquittal vouchers should be abolished.
“I added acclaim that adapted sanctions are activated to all complex in instances of payments actuality fabricated after the accepted acknowledging abstracts and/or approvals,” he recommended.
Mr Ayine regretted that abounding MDAs connected to avoid the actual banking regulations and that abounding Chief Accounting Officers banned to acknowledge to analysis queries.
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