Q: I accept been alive as a business development administrator in a sole cartel aggregation back 2014 on an absolute continuance application contract. Apart from my salary, I acquire agency based on the allotment of sales. I had been accepting agency until 2016. However, back 2017 my employer has not paid me the bulk till date. Recently, I accustomed a agency area from my employer with altered agreement and altitude wherein the calculations were reduced. For the aeon 2017 to 2019, the agency due from my employer is about Dh150,000.

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But because of the new agreement and conditions, my employer is alone acknowledging Dh30,000. Can my employer change the agreement and altitude pertaining to the agency due to me? How can I abode a complaint adjoin my employer? Can my employer abolish my application arrangement for filing a complaint?

A: Pursuant to your queries, we accept that you are active by a aggregation based in the acreage of UAE and therefore, the accoutrement of Federal Law No. (8) of 1980 acclimation application relations in the UAE (the 'Employment Law') shall be applicable.

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As per the accoutrement of the Application Law, it may be acclaimed that an agent shall be advantaged to a accomplishment in acknowledgment for the assignment the agent performs beneath the application contract. This is in accordance with the analogue of accomplishment in Article 1 of the Application Law which states: "All payments are fabricated to the agent on a yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, allotment work, or assembly or agency basis, in acknowledgment for the assignment he performs beneath the arrangement of employment, whether such payments are fabricated in banknote or kind.

Remuneration shall accommodate the amount of active allowance. It shall additionally accommodate any admission accustomed to the agent as a accolade for his bluntness or ability if such amounts are provided for in the arrangement or accept been accepted by custom."

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It may, therefore, be acclaimed that the acquittal of a agency is about at the acumen of the employer unless the application arrangement accurately mentions acquittal of agency forth with the base on which it is affected and paid. You accept mentioned that you accept your bacon and agency based on the allotment of sales. However, you accept declared that your employer has announced the agreement and altitude of your agency anatomy by email and we accept that this was in the year 2014. Therefore, based on such agreement and conditions, you may be advantaged to your agency as agreed in 2014. Further, any changes to the agreement and altitude of your agency anatomy may not accept attendant effect. The new agreement and altitude of the anatomy may be applicative from the day such advice is fabricated to you in autograph or email. Further, for any changes in agency structure, there may be no claim of accord from the agent as acceding agency is at the acumen of the employer.

If your employer terminates your application arrangement on the area of you filing a complaint with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiritisation (MOHRE), it may be advised as an approximate termination. This is in accordance with Article 122 of the Application Law.

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You may book a complaint adjoin your employer with the MOHRE apropos the non-payment of agency back 2017. Further, you may acquaint MOHRE that you intend to abide with the accepted application and your demands are alone accompanying to adjustment of outstanding agency which are not paid to you.

Ashish Mehta is the architect and Managing Partner of Ashish Mehta & Associates. He is able to practise law in Dubai, the United Kingdom, Singapore, and India. Full capacity of his close on: www.amalawyers.com. Readers may e-mail their questions to: news@khaleejtimes.com or accelerate them to Legal View, Khaleej Times, PO Box 11243, Dubai

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