The role of top apostle in a big aggregation is never activity to be simple. But the countless qualities listed by arch admiral who contributed comments during analysis on the 20 accepted admonition accent beneath are striking. Actuality a abundant lawyer, able to both assure the aggregation and administer risk, is the minimum requirement.

What makes a accepted admonition excel in the eyes of arch admiral includes the adeptness to: anatomy and actualize the company’s mission and values; act as a business accomplice and administering controlling to accomplish cardinal goals; be a anticipation baton as able-bodied as the censor of the business; and, increasingly, advance the way on assortment and inclusion.
In the case of Kelly Mahon Tullier of Visa, for instance, the payments company’s arch controlling Al Kelly addendum her “profound impact” on the organisation. Ms Tullier played a analytical role amalgam Visa Europe, is co-head of the company’s gender admittance lath and helped to actualize Visa’s administering principles, which accept been anchored into the organisation’s culture.
As added companies embrace the accent of accepting a authentic purpose and attractive above accumulation becomes a bright objective, the accepted counsel’s role at the centre of these activities is vital. It is a far cry from the years afore the cyberbanking crisis of 2008, aback accepted admonition struggled to accretion a bench at the top table.
Profiles aggregate by RSG Consulting advisers and FT editors
Bob HoytGroup accepted counsel
Since abutting Barclays in 2013, Bob Hoyt has played a acute role in restructuring the UK coffer and abyssal changes in regulation afterward the cyberbanking crisis. He aforetime captivated arch roles at the US Treasury and in the George W Bush administration. He has brash the bank on creating three ringfenced banks and absolute an all-encompassing portfolio of litigation.
In acknowledgment to affair about brainy bloom in the acknowledged profession, Barclays’ acknowledged aggregation launched the Mindful Business Charter with law firms Pinsent Masons and Addleshaw Goddard.
He says: The clip of change in business and the law agency it is harder “to bang the appropriate antithesis amid relying on abysmal acquaintance while at the aforementioned time always acquirements and actuality accessible to the new challenges and disruptions”.
Christina AckermannExecutive vice-president and accepted counsel
When Christina Ackermann, an experienced healthcare accepted counsel, abutting Bausch Health Companies in 2016, she was tasked with ambidextrous with the bequest action adverse the company.
Rather than relying on alien counsel, she created centralized action capacity. The aftereffect has been a absolute resolution of 68 matters, including the analytical adjustment with Israeli all-encompassing drugmaker Teva Pharmaceuticals, which had an actual benign aftereffect on Bausch Bloom Companies’ allotment price.
She says: “I was told already to ensure that I abide to abound and develop, to add one new accomplishment to my CV at atomic every two years.”
Top administering tip: Recognise the team’s contributions and wins, and bless them.
Chee Kin LamManaging administrator and arch of accumulation legal, acquiescence and secretariat
Chee Kin Lam is a cyberbanking industry adept with the attitude and celebrity of an entrepreneur. He is committed to accretion adeptness through tech, but has not absent afterimage of the accent of bodies and aggregation adeptness in all-embracing change. Mr Lam additionally supports non-traditional career paths.
His aggregation at DBS Coffer conceived a new framework to ensure the Singapore coffer handles abstracts in a way that is not alone allowable but is additionally amenable and wins the assurance of customers.
He says: “The bigger successes and the bigger failures will be your bodies decisions: your bets on the appropriate people, your abashed too continued with the amiss people, and aggregate in between.”
Marie Oh HuberSenior vice-president of acknowledged affairs, accepted admonition and aggregation secretary
Marie Oh Huber abutting eBay in 2015, fatigued to the online exchange provider because of its charge to diversity. Her acknowledged team, which helped advance the barrage of acquittal processor PayPal as a abstracted company, advocates for eBay sellers and acts as abettor for absolute businesses with all-around policymakers.
Devin Wenig, arch controlling of eBay, which has 179m users beyond 190 markets, considers the purpose of her aggregation as actuality “to empower bodies and actualize bread-and-butter befalling for all”.
Top administering tip: Give bodies the greatest accessible autonomy, ascendancy and controlling authority. Actualize an ambiance breadth new account are admired and there is disciplined, able collaboration.
Julie GruberExecutive vice-president, all-around accepted counsel, accumulated secretary and arch acquiescence officer

After added than two decades at the clothes retailer, Julie Gruber is arch a adventurous action to breach Gap into two listed companies: Old Navy, and a yet-to-be-named article absolute Gap and added portfolio brands.
One of the arch administering team, Ms Gruber has been accepted by Gap arch controlling Art Peck for an “unwavering adeptness to abide calm in the average of a storm”. A action and bookish acreage apostle by training, her address has broadcast to accommodate authoritative and absolute estate, as able-bodied as administering all-around accident blockage and accumulated security.
She says: “Change is inevitable: apprentice to embrace it. If you don’t like it, don’t diaphoresis it. If you like it, don’t get acclimated to it.”
Craig GliddenExecutive vice-president and accepted counsel
Craig Glidden abutting Accepted Motors in 2015 at a time of crisis for the automotive manufacturer, afterwards the abortion of its car agitation switches led to fatalities and an all-encompassing artefact recall. Mr Glidden helped the aggregation through cogent civilian and bent litigation, including chic accomplishments beyond the US. Before joining GM, Mr Glidden captivated the top acknowledged role at LyondellBasell, the bunch chemicals company.
Mr Glidden and his acknowledged aggregation are arena “a cardinal role” in GM’s development, according to arch controlling Mary Barra.
Top administering tip: Don’t ask bodies to do things that you are not accommodating to do. If you appetence adamantine work, assignment hard. If you want added openness, be open. If you appetence integrity, then model it.
Anne MaddenSenior vice-president and accepted counsel
Anne Madden’s adeptness to assignment beyond the business and acknowledged abandon of Honeywell puts her in an abnormally able position to admonish on the US automated conglomerate’s assorted all-around portfolio of about 1,000 sites and added than 130,000 employees.
Darius Adamczyk, Honeywell arch executive, says the acknowledged administration is both a antecedent of aggressive advantage and “one of the capital admiral of its achievement culture”. Ms Madden leads training programmes on capacity such as sexual harassment and benumbed bias.
Top administering tip: It is not abundant to allure a assorted ambit of talent; you charge to absorb and abound it, and anybody needs to feel their articulation is actuality heard and valued.
Kellye WalkerExecutive vice-president and arch acknowledged officer
As arch acknowledged administrator of Huntington Ingalls Industries, the US’s bigger aggressive shipbuilder, Kellye Walker plays a key role in a scrutinised accessible aggregation operating in a awful adapted sector. The company’s arch executive, Mike Petters, says Ms Walker’s accomplishments alfresco the defence industry helps the aggregation “view things through a altered lens”.
Beyond her role and the company, Ms Walker tries to accomplish a aberration to added people’s careers, decidedly through mentorship and allotment women of colour.
Top administering tip: Actualize a aggregation “north star” or action so that you are arch a aggregation that knows its goals and what is appropriate to accomplish them.
Kristin SverchekGeneral counsel
Kristin Sverchek abutting tech aggregation Lyft in backward 2012, aback both the aggregation and the abstraction of ride-sharing were in their infancy. She helped the business cross the accomplishing of new carriage adjustment in the San Francisco Bay Area, which was acute to the apprentice company’s survival.
The afterward year, Ms Sverchek and her baby aggregation handled the company’s amplification into about 30 cities, and in 2017 she chip Lyft’s acquiescence and acknowledged teams. She has been accepted by Lyft co-founder John Zimmer for her team’s adeptness to administer “disparate convenance areas such as claimed injury, regulatory, bookish property, application and privacy”.
Top administering tip: Invest in assortment and admittance so that you accept all viewpoints represented.
Heraldo GeresVice-president, acknowledged diplomacy and animal resources
Heraldo Geres has served as accepted admonition at Marfrig All-around Foods, Brazil’s second-largest aliment processing company, aback 2006.
In the years that followed, he guided the aggregation through its antecedent accessible alms on the São Paulo Stock Exchange, and helped it complete added than 30 mergers and acquisitions beyond the globe.

This year, he orchestrated the $2.16bn auction of Keystone Foods to Tyson Foods, both of the US, as able-bodied the $1bn accretion of US aggregation Civic Beef.
Top administering tip: A aggregation needs to accept an intellectually curious team and an aggressive aggregation that it can accolade aback it alcove its goals.
Stephen ChojnackiChief bartering administrator and accepted counsel
Stephen Chojnacki abutting Thailand-based Minor All-embracing 12 years ago. He has been cardinal to the hospitality, restaurant and diplomacy cast group’s advance aback his admission as its aboriginal accepted counsel, which was additionally his aboriginal centralized role. Mr Chojnacki’s bifold role of accepted admonition and arch bartering administrator embeds him added in the business. He has albatross for allowance the aggregation accomplish bartering business decisions, acclimation its able accident appetence with the authoritative requirements of countries into which Minor seeks to expand.
He says: “My accumulated law administration will [become] added aqueous than it is today — we will be broadcast added globally and we will be affected to become bigger communicators.”
Gerhard PleuhsExecutive vice-president, accumulated and acknowledged affairs, and accepted counsel
Gerhard Pleuhs’s career with the aliment accumulation goes aback to the 1980s aback he abutting the acknowledged aggregation at German coffee aggregation Jacobs, which became allotment of what is now Mondelez. He has played a analytical role in the group’s transformation, at the beginning of diplomacy such as the $19bn accretion of Cadbury, the aftereffect of Kraft’s grocery business in the US, and managing multibillion-dollar litigation.
Irene Rosenfeld, above Mondelez arch executive, describes him as “a absolute change agent, able-bodied positioned to add bulk to the business as it evolves”.
Top administering tip: Provide allusive development opportunities, to a ample ambit of colleagues, irrespective of hierarchical order.
Jussi KoskinenChief acknowledged officer, lath secretary and affiliate of accumulation controlling management
Jussi Koskinen abutting Nordic cyberbanking accumulation Nordea in 2018 as arch acknowledged administrator and a affiliate of the controlling administering team. He accustomed with no acquaintance in cyberbanking services, accepting confused centralized in 2004 at Finnish telecoms aggregation Nokia, breadth he captivated arch positions in acknowledged and acquiescence in Finland and Singapore.
Despite his ample bartering and all-embracing experience, Mr Koskinen says he is not abashed to ask “stupid questions” and claiming old agency of working.
A Finnish national, he abutting Nordea aback the coffer relocated from Stockholm to Helsinki.
Top administering tip: Bless achievements and acceptable achievement about and regularly.
Verona DorchExecutive vice-president, arch acknowledged officer, government diplomacy and accumulated secretary
Verona Dorch abutting US coal-mining aggregation Peabody Energyin 2015 as it was adverse insolvency. She helped about-face it round, befitting 7,500 bodies in employment. The aggregation emerged from defalcation in April 2017 and fabricated its way aback into the Fortune 500 in 2018. Ms Dorch champions assortment and advisers assembly at law firms to animate added women, bodies from boyhood indigenous and LGBT communities, and army veterans to accompany the profession.
She says: “I run to the botheration to accretion solutions. I adulation a acceptable crisis — because it’s my job to accretion solutions — and I am not abashed of the unknown. Indeed, I embrace it.”
Top administering tip: Lay out a bright eyes and alley map, and clear aggregation and authoritative goals to accomplish them.
Andreas HoffmannGroup accepted admonition and arch of acknowledged and compliance
Andreas Hoffmann became accumulation accepted admonition at Siemens, the German industrial group, in 2014. A above clandestine disinterestedness lawyer, Mr Hoffmann had switched amid clandestine convenance and centralized roles afore abutting Siemens in 2008.
For the accomplished bristles years, he has guided Siemens in its appetite to become a apple baton in automated internet-of-things (IoT) technology. The capital focus is on ensuring risks are able-bodied managed as the aggregation expands the ecosystem surrounding its MindSphere IoT operating system, which it is attempting to authorize as the accepted for the automated internet.
He says: “Keep a aerial akin of candor and acquiescence in times of angry competition.”

Horacio GutierrezGeneral admonition and vice-president, acknowledged and business affairs
Venezuelan apostle Horacio Gutierrez abutting Microsoft in 1998 as a arch apostle afterwards a decade in clandestine practice. Afterwards 17 years with the US technology company, Mr Guttierez larboard his accepted admonition role administering all-around acknowledged diplomacy to advice booty Spotify public. The music-streaming aggregation completed the aboriginal absolute advertisement on the New York Stock Exchange in 2018.
Mr Gutierrez active Spotify’s all-around licensing function, which is analytical for establishing bartering licensing arrange with artists, labels and publishers, as able-bodied as accomplishment partnerships to accomplish the account accessible on acute speakers.
He says: “My ambition for our acknowledged administration is to be at the acid bend in the use of technology for the commitment of acknowledged services.”
Shuva MandalGroup accepted counsel
Shuva Mandal is accumulation accepted admonition of Tata Sons, the captivation aggregation of Indian amassed Tata Group.
Previously a accumulated apostle in clandestine practice, he abutting Tata in 2017 afterwards the abandonment of Cyrus Mistry as chairman. Aback then, Mr Mandal has broadcast his acknowledged aggregation by about 50 per cent to 18 attorneys and has boarded on modernising the group’s accumulated governance. An important allotment of his role is afterlight advertisement structures to advance accountability and allotment best practice.
Mr Mandal is accustomed with transforming Tata’s acknowledged administration from a abutment aggregation to a disciplinarian of business growth.
He says: “Retain the adeptness to beam at yourself and do not let the role accountability you. We are not doctors — no one is accident their life.”
Jonas BengtssonSenior vice-president, accumulation accepted admonition and arch of accumulated affairs
Jonas Bengtsson spent his aboriginal three-and-a-half years at Telia managing a multi-jurisdictional analysis of the Swedish telecoms abettor for bribery in Uzbekistan. He guided Telia to ability a adjustment with the US Administration of Amends for about $1bn in 2017. As arch controlling Johan Dennelind says, “in boxy times you charge a rock”.
Mr Bengtsson has helped the business aggrandize its agenda offerings while managing aloofness and security. In his own team, he has alien new technologies, a cross-border operating archetypal and greater collaboration.
He says: If not a apostle he would appetence to be an analytic reporter, “to methodologically bare important truths and accompany them to the public’s attention”.
Kelly Mahon TullierExecutive vice-president and accepted counsel
Kelly Mahon Tullier’s appulse on US cyberbanking accumulation Visa “transcends the law department”, according to arch controlling Al Kelly. Ms Tullier played a analytical role, for instance, in the accretion and affiliation of Visa Europe in 2016, which enabled the accumulation to consolidate globally. The clip of change in the all-around payments industry and adjustment agency Ms Tullier’s acknowledged aggregation is axial to Visa’s strategy.
She leads Visa’s gender admittance lath and gives time to the US Civic Women’s Law Center and the Tahirih Amends Center, which serves immigrant women beat violence.
She says: “Jobs in the acknowledged acreage crave you to consistently axis from one breadth of the law to another. You accept to be able to bound jump in and get it done.”
Sandie OkoroSenior vice-president and accumulation accepted counsel
Sandie Okoro has been a arresting bulk in the UK cyberbanking casework industry for three decades and a articulate apostle for greater assortment in the acknowledged profession.
She took on the top acknowledged role at the Apple Coffer in 2017, and now navigates legislation and adjustment in added than 170 countries, as able-bodied as the bank’s centralized laws and regulations. She sees her role as an befalling to added the aphorism of law and admission to justice, and to advice transform people’s affection of life.
She says: “Working at the all-embracing akin with all-around responsibilities comes with a assertive bulk of pressure, and it is acute to abide calm, no amount what.”
Top administering tip: You are there to abutment and breeding your team, not carnality versa.

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