As a advocate and a collaborative lawyer, I generally get asked: “What is the aberration amid arbitration and collaborative law (“CL”)?” It’s adamantine for parties in a altercation and added non-lawyers to see the differences; in actuality attorneys accept agitation articulating them.
After all, both are non-adversarial processes. Both (at atomic in theory) are forms of interest-based negotiation. Both are autonomous and cannot be assured unless the parties accede to a resolution and abate it to a accounting agreement.
One aberration is that in some types of arbitration (divorce and appropriate apprenticeship for two), the parties are not usually represented by lawyers. In CL, parties charge be represented by counsel. Another aberration is that CL has an able analysis action congenital into its structure. Arbitration does not about accept an admonition barter footfall as allotment of its process. This shortcoming generally relegates arbitration to actuality acclimated against the end of the action action and beheld as a allotment of it.
The timing of aback they are acclimated is a third aberration amid the two processes. Except in annulment or appropriate apprenticeship cases, best of the time, parties don’t about-face to the use of arbitration until action is able-bodied beneath way and analysis has been completed. This could be a year or added into the litigation, afterwards bags accept already been spent on acknowledged fees and relationships amid the parties accept been actively artificial if not destroyed. These factors actively absolute how able arbitration can be. On the added hand, CL happens at the alpha of the altercation resolution efforts, afore any action has been commenced. So the affairs of attention relationships, extenuative money, accomplishing a quick resolution and alienated the clarification of assets and affections are far greater.

A fourth aberration is that afterwards the aboriginal abbreviate allotment of a mediation, in which the parties, attorneys and advocate are all in the aforementioned allowance and able to apprehend and see anniversary other, the parties are again about consistently afar into conclave apartment and the advocate goes amid them in a shuttle address way. In CL, all parties and their attorneys abide calm in one appointment room. There is no break and no agent shuttling aback and forth.
We generally appearance over that aftermost difference. We shouldn’t, because it is a bold changer. It is added than aloof a logistical difference. It is the capital difference. CL is the aggregate assignment and activity of an chip aggregation accomplishment in which all parties and all attorneys are alive in accord with anniversary other, architecture aloft anniversary other, bouncing account about the table, accepting burning feedback, accepting able admonition there in the allowance at the fingertips of the parties and lawyers. This is huge.
In mediation, the action is focused aloft the efforts of one person, the mediator, to do the work, to acquisition accepted ground, to reason, to suggest, to think, to back information, to adjudge what to share, what to accent and what to minimize. The mediator, as a go-between, is the key to its success. The parties do not coact with anniversary other; nor do their lawyers. They are all codicillary on the skill, the timing, the alert skills, communications skills, the insight-fulness, perception, address and generally the adeptness of the mediator.
In CL, the focal point is not any one person; it is the accord itself. It is all about the aggregate adeptness of all those complex in one discussion, one negotiation, one effort, to acquisition the options for resolution that assignment best for all those involved. It is a aggregation accomplishment to acquisition solutions, to augment off of anniversary other, alike off of the added side. It is a action that calls on the parties and their attorneys to accept to and to body on anniversary other’s account and suggestions, alike aback they are the account of his analogue admonition on the added side. It is in this collaboration, this chip effort, that the action can acquisition a third way, a bigger way than either of the “ways” of one ancillary or the other. To accomplish that bigger way, anybody relies on the intelligence, the adroitness and the accessible breeze of admonition aural the accomplished group’s collaboration.
If arbitration is one person’s accomplishment to move parties to a adequate comatose place, CL relies aloft the alternation of the accomplished accumulation and the charge for anniversary ancillary to hear, see and accept the added side’s perspective. This is capital in adjustment to abundance the aggregate interests calm and acquisition a abundant solution, one that goes far aloft compromise. The ambition is not a affair point about amid the positions of the parties, but article new that creates a synergy of their ideas, so they may get above the banned of the positions of the parties and actualize the resolution that satisfies both parties‘ interests and needs.
When you anticipate about it, it’s a abundant bigger aberration than it seems at a aboriginal glance.

Michael A. Zeytoonian is the Founding Affiliate and Director of Altercation Resolution Counsel, LLC and is a lawyer, advocate and ombudsman. He is aforetime a accomplice and now Of Admonition at Hutchings, Barsamian, Mandelcorn & Zeytoonian, LLP, in Wellesley Hills, MA. He specializes in application law, business law, appropriate apprenticeship law, mediation, collaborative law and authoritative law. He is accepted to convenance in the accompaniment and federal commune courts of Massachusetts and New York (Southern District) and the accompaniment of Connecticut. He has served as a advocate on the MWI console in the commune courts and on the BBA console in the Boston Borough Court.
He is a affiliate and Massachusetts Bar Association and is armchair of the MBA’s ADR board and a affiliate of the labor/employment section. He is a Past President (2006-2007) and affiliate of the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council, the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals and the New England Association for Conflict Resolution. He writes frequently on collaborative law and another altercation resolution (ADR) and has accomplished attorneys and presented in collaborative law and ADR about the U.S., Canada and Ireland. He has lectured at Northeastern University School of Law, Suffolk University School of Law, New England Law Boston, UMASS School of Law and Roger Williams University School of Law.
He served as Assistant Attorney General in the Appointment of the Attorney General of the Accompaniment of New York, as a agent administering action in the Accompaniment Admonition Bureau in Westchester, Rockland and Putnam Counties and alive on customer advancement cases. Prior to his assignment at the Attorney General’s Office, he was an Assistant Canton Attorney in the Westchester Canton (NY) Law Department, in the action and ancestors cloister bureaus. His action assignment at both the Canton Law Department and the Attorney General’s appointment included cases in employment; labor; state, canton and bounded borough matters; ecology law; construction, authoritative and abomination law, and the case of adolescent corruption and carelessness cases. His undergraduate apprenticeship was at Boston College and Iona College, area he accustomed his Bachelor of Arts amount is history and education. He becoming his J. D. from Pace University School of Law with a Certificate in Ecology Law in 1990.
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