A above West Virginia correctional administrator will accept to pay a absolute of $240,000 to three women who say he sexually abused them while they were inmates at a now-closed assignment absolution center, according to the women’s lawyer.

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The exact bulk that James Widen agreed to pay to achieve the women’s lawsuits was not appear in cloister records, and the case adjoin him was bankrupt on Dec. 13 in U.S. District Cloister in the Southern District of West Virginia.

Three women, Alesha C., Tania C. and April Y., anniversary sued Widen, added correctional admiral and the accompaniment Division of Corrections in 2018. They said Widen, of Milton, sexually abused and fabricated sexually arrant comments about the women while they were in his allegation as inmates at the Assignment Absolution Centermost in Huntington.

All defendants besides Widen had been alone by the time the case settled, according to cloister records.

April Y. will accept $100,000 in the settlement, and Alesha C. will accept $90,000, said their attorney, Mike Woelfel. Tania C. will accept $50,000 in the settlement, Woelfel said. He said it was in his clients’ best absorption to achieve the case, rather than force them to affirm during a trial.


Alesha C. told the Charleston Gazette-Mail on Wednesday that she had appear the corruption to a higher-ranking administrator at the assignment absolution center, but it was swept beneath the rug. She said she kept advertisement it at college levels, until addition listened to her.

She said she absitively to abode the corruption afterwards she heard Widen was up for a job at a adolescent correctional facility.

“I anticipate women should absolutely accept a articulation and be able to angle up because a lot of women don’t,” she said. “It took me a while, actually.”

In July 2018, a Cabell County admirable board accusable Widen on two counts of artifice of animal acts on bodies confined or beneath supervision.

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Widen’s bent case is awaiting afore Cabell Circuit Judge Chris Chiles, with the abutting audition appointed for February, according to cloister records. Widen is out of bastille on bond.

In their lawsuits, the women said there was a convenance and arrangement of “sexual harassment, animal corruption and animal corruption visited aloft women at the easily of correctional agents with advised indifference” at the Huntington center, which bankrupt in 2017.

Widen, the administrator in allegation of the women while they were inmates, would accomplish sexually evocative comments and ask them to appoint in animal favors afore ultimately banishment them to accept sex with him, according to the lawsuits.

In her lawsuit, Tonia C. said Widen would adjustment her to the women’s restroom, the attic or the basement laundry allowance of the centermost and force her to accept sex with him. She additionally said he would access her dorm, fondle her and force her to accomplish articulate sex on him, and he abused her in a accompaniment agent at a park-and-ride and in the parking lot of a church.

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Alesha C. and April Y. additionally said in their lawsuits that Widen ordered them to them to the basement laundry allowance and affected them to accept sex with him.

Woelfel said he has represented added than 100 women in cloister who accept been sexually abused and assaulted as inmates, and he said animal delinquency in the alteration arrangement is grossly underreported.

“They’re told ‘nobody’s activity to accept you,’ ” Woelfel said. “They can put posters on the bank and say to alarm this number, but there’s a stigma that goes with that in the bastille population.”

The Huntington Assignment Absolution Centermost bankrupt in 2017, and the Division of Corrections has been captivated into a new accompaniment agency, the Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

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Woelfel, a accompaniment agent from Cabell County, said the Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation has taken abundant accomplish to abode animal delinquency of its officers, but there was added assignment still to be done.

“I see actual change back [Corrections and Rehabilitation Secretary Jeff Sandy] has taken over for the good,” Woelfel said.

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