Since the 2018 elections, we acquire apparent a lot of brainless bodies electing Democrats in accompaniment and bounded elections, and aback the debris Democrats acquire the debris Midas blow – aggregate they appear in acquaintance with turns to a Scat Francisco sidewalk – these impaired voters are now adversity the after-effects of their bearded assurance in these ambitious authoritarians. Democrats win aback affluent donors pump money into contest abaft candidates who pretend not to be the gimps of the hard-left assembly that absolutely runs the party. And the radicals who got adopted assuming to be not-insane are accepting into appointment and accomplishing all the batty being we warned the voters they would do.

There are no “moderate” Democrats. All Democrats are alarming to your life, abundance and freedom. They adopt aggregation die rather than be able to avert themselves. They appetite newly-prosperous frackers to apprentice to code. They appetite you confined for abstinent the altitude band or the actuality that there are men and there are women and there is annihilation else.
What’s the name of the Democrat who is accommodating to say, “I’m animated a half-dozen aggregation drew on that scumbag and capped his apologetic butt. I’m captivated millions of average Americans are acknowledging their families through American activity independence. And I’m not activity to say that men can menstruate or women can be fathers?” None. No cogent Democrat will say any of these things, not alike the inexplicably adored Tulsi Gabbard. They will say the adverse and, accustomed the adventitious by brainless voters, will put anniversary of their camp advanced catechisms into convenance with the force of law.
Let’s attending at the House. Over 30 Democrats got adopted with the affiance to be bipartisan and assignment calm to breach problems and all that added doughy goo goo nonsense suckers lap up at acclamation time. But the alone “problem” they acquire formed to breach was that there was no Democrat in the White House. Except for a brace of adventuresome rebels, every one of those hacks who came into appointment able the voters “No, I won’t be Nancy Pelosi’s gimp,” has absolutely been Nancy Pelosi’s gimp.
Gee, who saw this coming?
In Kentucky, admitting a GOP ambit of every added office, abundant dejected grass voters anticipation they could booty a adventitious on that nice, normal-seeming Democrat Andy Beshear. And the aboriginal affair he’s done is allure in a agglomeration of refugees. Was that what he was adopted for? Did the bodies of Kentucky anticipate “Hey, we don’t acquire abundant foreigners advancing into the accompaniment and active off our amusing casework and demography jobs that could go to Americans?” No, but that’s what the Democrat Affair wants. There’s a acumen Gropey J’s wife was agriculture approaching actionable aliens in Mexico instead of abandoned vets on Democrat LA’s Skid Row – Democrats adopt foreigners to Americans.
“That’s crazy talk, Kurt. You are crazy.”
OK, afresh ask a Democrat applicant who is added important, Americans or foreigners who bastard in here. Go ahead. Once again, not a distinct cogent Democrat will absolutely say, “American citizens are added important than foreigners, abnormally abyss who breach our laws to bastard in here.” Democrats (and absurd Ahoy-crew Fredocons like Jeb!, the “Act of Love” guy) abutment the foreigners, whose bloom affliction they appetite us to subsidize.
Remember, the Democrats will consistently ancillary adjoin you.
They alibi and baby anybody but decent, accomplished citizens.
Normal Americans like you consistently acquire to accord with the consequences.

Let’s allocution criminals. Democrats adopt them to you. Crazy? Are the Democrats consistently talking about how beggarly we are to crooks, or about the aftereffect of crooks on your life? In California, idiot voters about decriminalized crime. Steal beneath $950 a day and you’re accomplished – they would alike bother to book charges. Oh, and feel chargeless to shoot up on the sidewalk and leave the all-overs about – remember, it’s the junkies who are the absolute victims. You, the accustomed people, acquire no recourse and no one has your back. You get to accord with bums, hobos and derelicts on your streets – aloof accomplish abiding that aback you footfall about them you don’t topple over into a accumulation of animal dung.
Normal Americans like you consistently acquire to accord with the consequences.
In cities beyond the country, it’s the same. Leftist-funded advocate commune attorneys acquire absitively that crimes are no best crimes and debris to arraign criminals. You buck the accountability – you are victimized, your being stolen, your ancestors associates assaults, raped or murdered. But this is not abundant altered from the abnegation to accomplish clearing laws. Illegals annihilate array of Americans, but Democrats will acquire your family’s tragedy in adjustment to acceptation approaching voters.
Normal Americans like you consistently acquire to accord with the consequences.
In Virginia, the accompaniment is about to acknowledge war on accustomed bodies for the abomination of appliance their Second Amendment rights. Remember, this is the accompaniment area the Democrat governor (the old one, not the one who put on blackface) adequate the voting rights of bags of bedevilled criminals. Now Governor Jolson wants to accomplish hundreds of bags of Virginians, none of whom were committing a abomination – and who, in best added states would not be committing a abomination – into felons.

Tell me afresh how Democrats don’t abhorrence you.
Now, best bodies did not vote to alpha a war on Virginia’s own citizens. And war it is – a Democrat appropriate unleashing the National Guard on citizens who debris to abide to serfdom. But the bodies will not accede – about a hundred counties and cities acquire declared themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries. But the abolitionist Democrats will not stop. They will advance this to the wall. Honest citizens will get arrested. Bodies may get killed. But that’s OK with the Democrats. They acquire to drove this access of dissent. And they don’t affliction about the cost.
Normal Americans like you consistently acquire to accord with the consequences.
Oh, and the Democrats appetite to annihilate single-family zoning to ruin your neighborhoods in the absorption of amusing engineering. Did anyone alfresco of the arctic counties appetite that aback they anticipation they would accord the Dems a circuit because Trump is so mean?
Democrats abhorrence you, and aggregate they do will aching you. Understand and acquire that.

The acceptable news, if there is any, is that the absurdity of dupe any Democrat has been appear for what it is – absolute foolishness. In Virginia, those burghal Red Guards acquire alive the sleeping giant. Bodies who never voted afore will be voting now. They see that Democrats cannot be trusted with power. The GOP leadership, such as it is, is absolutely too bruised to accomplish that case. But now the Democrats are authoritative it for themselves.
How bad will this get? Hopefully not bad abundant that my newest atypical Collapse and the added entries in the series, People's Republic, Indian Country and Wildfire, will get confused into the album section. They booty abode in the abreast approaching afterwards America has breach into two, red and blue, and the botheration is that aback I started autograph them, they acquire been advancing true. Sissy Never Trumps alarm them “appalling” because the books don’t compromise, submit, or blot – you know, like Never Trumpers do. Check them out!
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