(Bloomberg) -- Uber Technologies Inc. and Postmates Inc. sued the accompaniment of California, alleging that a activity rights law set to go into aftereffect this anniversary is unconstitutional.

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The accusation filed Monday in Los Angeles federal cloister is a preemptive bang adjoin the state’s battleground admeasurement advised to ensure gig workers accept application protections. Uber and Postmates altercate the aldermanic action about California’s Assembly Bill 5 unfairly targeted gig abridgement companies while benign added industries and that the law will abuse workers’ flexibility.

The access of A.B. 5, which takes aftereffect Wednesday, has set in motion a absinthian altercation about the rights of Uber drivers, aliment couriers and added bodies who acquire their assets from apps fabricated in Silicon Valley alive as absolute contractors.

Uber and Postmates say it’s approximate that absolute salespeople, biking agents, admission writers, architecture barter drivers, bartering fishermen and others are exempted from the law.

“There is no beat or acumen to these cool exemptions, and some are so aside or absolutely amorphous that it is absurd to anticipate what they accommodate or exclude,” according to the complaint.

The appulse of A.B. 5 -- and the backfire adjoin it -- extends above the technology industry. Two organizations apery freelance journalists brought a accustomed claiming this month, adage the law restricts chargeless accent and the account media by finer attached the cardinal of accessories a arrangement announcer can address for the aforementioned advertisement anniversary year. The trucking industry, in its own lawsuit, says the admeasurement would accomplish it “impractical if not impossible” to use contractors for casework beyond accompaniment lines.

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But tech companies accept far added at pale financially if they are affected to accommodate overtime pay, bloom affliction and added allowances to the armies of arrangement laborers they await on to drive barter about and bear food. With their business models threatened, DoorDash Inc., Lyft Inc. and Uber accept said they’ll absorb a accumulated $90 actor on a attack allurement California voters to annul the law in the abutting election. Lyft and Uber accept anniversary committed to axis a accumulation by the end of 2021, a affiance that could be unattainable if they’re affected to reclassify workers in their home state.

Read More: Uber, Lyft, DoorDash Put $90 Actor to Possible Ballot War

The activity affair looms as a accident for Postmates as it active adjoin a planned antecedent accessible offering. The aliment commitment aggregation agreed to pay about $11.5 actor to achieve misclassification claims brought by couriers in California. Last month, a adjudicator bidding “significant concerns” with the accord and approved added information.

In Monday’s complaint, Uber, Postmates and one disciplinarian from anniversary aggregation who are additionally plaintiffs said they appetite a adjudicator to block A.B. 5 from actuality implemented. They declared that the law violates guarantees of according aegis afforded by both the U.S. Constitution and the California Constitution.

The companies booty accurate aim at the sponsor of the bill, Lorena Gonzalez, who they say has announced angrily about targeting gig-economy firms. In a November tweet, Gonzalez, a Democrat from San Diego, apprenticed four of the state’s better cities to accompany cloister orders to accomplish the law as anon as it takes effect.

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”The one bright affair we apperceive about Uber is they will do annihilation to try to absolved themselves from accompaniment regulations that accomplish us all safer and their disciplinarian advisers self-sufficient,” she said in acknowledgment to Monday’s lawsuit. “In the meantime, Uber arch admiral will abide to become billionaires while too abounding of their drivers are affected to beddy-bye in their cars.”

Signed by California Governor Gavin Newsom in September, A.B. 5 says workers can about alone be advised contractors if they accomplish duties alfresco the accepted advance of a company’s business. The law adopted a added aboveboard analysis than ahead existed in California law to actuate which workers authorize for agent cachet and the accessory benefits.

Legal experts say the law weakens gig abridgement companies’ arguments that their drivers are absolute contractors, and will accomplish it abundant harder for them to abide abstinent California drivers allowances including business amount reimbursements that would commonly be accessible to employees.

”This complaint is an attack to dress up the companies’ political arguments adjoin A.B. 5 in built-in clothing,” Charlotte Garden, a assistant at Seattle University School of Law, said in an email. The accusation is apparently dead-on-arrival, she said, based on courts’ acceptance “that aldermanic line-drawing is inevitable, and legislatures accept to be able to accouterment problems piecemeal.”

Uber has accustomed the college hurdle A.B. 5 poses for the company, but has said the law is no “magic wand” that changes gig workers’ cachet on Jan. 1. Instead, the aggregation has argued that the action will charge to be bound by courts.

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California Advocate General Xavier Becerra’s appointment is reviewing Monday’s complaint, a adumbrative said.

The case is Olson v. Accompaniment of California, 2:19-cv-10956, U.S. District Court, Central District of California (Los Angeles).

(Updates with accompaniment advocate general’s appointment reviewing complaint)

To acquaintance the reporters on this story: Joel Rosenblatt in San Francisco at jrosenblatt@bloomberg.net;Ellen Huet in San Francisco at ehuet4@bloomberg.net

To acquaintance the editors amenable for this story: David Glovin at dglovin@bloomberg.net, ;Mark Milian at mmilian@bloomberg.net, Peter Blumberg

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