New York State’s advocate accepted on Thursday accused New York Burghal of committing artifice by artificially inflating the amount of chicken auto medallions, and she accepted $810 actor from the burghal to atone the bags of cabdrivers who are now saddled with astronomic debt.

The city’s Auto and Limousine Commission marketed the medallions — city-issued permits appropriate to own a chicken cab — as “a solid advance with abiding growth” and reaped a accumulation from the bargain of bags of them at bargain at absonant prices from 2004 to 2017, according to an analysis by the advocate general’s office.

The advocate general, Letitia A. James, said the burghal charge accommodate banking abatement to the debt-ridden auto brand owners aural 30 canicule or she would sue for fraud, actionable accumulation and added violations of accompaniment law.

“These auto medallions were marketed as a alleyway to the American dream, but instead became a trapdoor of anguish for brand owners afflicted by the T.L.C.’s actionable practices,” Ms. James said. “The actual government that was declared to ensure fair practices in the exchange affianced in a arrangement that defrauded hundreds of brand owners, abrogation abounding with no best but to assignment day and night to pay off their cher medallions.’’

Bhairavi Desai, the controlling administrator of the New York Auto Workers Alliance, which represents cabdrivers, said she accustomed Ms. James’s activity and saw it as a validation of the city’s accountability in the auto crisis.

“The confusion that has happened beyond the auto industry has been a abysmal betrayal by the city,” she said. “Not alone did they abutting their eyes to bloodthirsty practices and anon appoint in inflating the prices but they again accustomed in Uber and Lyft absolutely unregulated.”

Freddi Goldstein, a backer for Mayor Bill de Blasio, said that although the auto crisis began beneath Michael R. Bloomberg’s administration, burghal admiral back again accept taken accomplish to accommodate banking advice to auto drivers and bind blank of Uber and added ride-hailing companies.

The advocate accepted began her analysis in acknowledgment to an analysis by The New York Times, which begin that a scattering of auto industry leaders becoming hundreds of millions of dollars by advisedly inflating the amount of a brand to added than $1 actor from about $200,000.

The Times begin that bags of drivers, abounding of them immigrants, anticipation they were safe demography out loans to buy medallions because of the auto commission’s assurances of their aerial value.

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City, accompaniment and federal admiral affronted the problems by exempting the industry from regulations, The Times revealed. The burghal additionally abounding in account gaps by affairs medallions and active ads announcement the permits as “better than the banal market.”

Ms. James said that the burghal connected to bazaar the medallions at aggrandized prices alike afterwards centralized warnings were raised.

During the aftermost bargain for medallions in 2014, the burghal awash 350 new medallions at the acme of the market, breeding $359 actor in revenue. Back then, brand prices accept cratered, affairs for a atom of the almanac $1.3 actor amount in 2014. In abounding cases, they are account far beneath than what their owners adopted to buy them.

In 2018, New York became the aboriginal above American burghal to accept a one-year adjournment on arising new agent licenses for Uber, Lyft and added ride-hail services. It came three years afterwards Mr. de Blasio attempted to accept a agnate cap but alone the accomplishment afterwards Uber waged a angry attack adjoin him.

Since then, the burghal has connected the moratorium.

“This crisis has been ours to break — alive endlessly to apple-pie up the carelessness and acquisitiveness of others,” Ms. Goldstein said. “If the advocate accepted wants to barrage a barmy analysis into the actual administering that has done annihilation but assignment to advance the situation, this is what she’ll find.”

But Ms. Desai said the city’s acknowledgment has been apathetic and its efforts so far accept about been underwhelming. She acclaimed that the burghal waived some baby fees for auto owners alike as they drowned beneath huge debts.

“There has been no abundant banking abatement — this amends would be the first,” she said.

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The burghal comptroller, Scott M. Stringer, said Ms. James had fabricated “significant allegations” and that his appointment “takes these issues actual seriously.”

The burghal controls the cardinal of medallions — currently capped at aloof beneath 13,600 — to anticipate an crowd of cabs like what happened in the 1930s back apropos over congestion, adventuresome active and bargain fares led the burghal to footfall in.

As brand prices soared, drivers were steered into demography out loans accretion billions of dollars that they could never repay, coast abounding into bankruptcy.

A access of suicides by auto owners and able drivers in contempo years underscored the severity of their plight and has spurred burghal legislation to try to advance their alive conditions.

A agent for Ms. James said that while Thursday’s activity was focused on the city’s role in the auto crisis, their advancing analysis connected to appraise “all aspects of the auto industry.”

The United States Attorney’s appointment in Manhattan has additionally launched a bent investigation.

Taxi industry leaders accept denied accomplishing annihilation wrong, anecdotic their accomplishments as accustomed business practices. They accept approved to accusation the auto accident absolutely on the acceleration of aggressive ride-app casework such as Uber and Lyft.

Last month, a burghal console appointed by the New York Burghal Council and Mr. de Blasio proposed a bailout of up to $600 actor for auto drivers, but best of that money would appear from clandestine investors.

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Ms. James is gluttonous $810 actor anon from the city. It is cryptic how her appeal would affect the bailout plans.

City Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez, who was the co-chairman of the panel, said he believed the burghal did buck some albatross for creating the auto crisis, and as a result, it had an obligation to accommodate banking abatement to auto owners.

He added that the burghal should accede all proposals, including Ms. James’s appeal for advantage as able-bodied as the private-public bailout proposed by the panel.

“What I apperceive is this crisis is so huge and the brand owners are so atrocious that they cannot delay any longer,” Mr. Rodriguez said.

Ms. James said the acquittal from the burghal would be acclimated to pay amends to auto brand owners, which could accommodate advantageous off loans, and compensating them for amercement consistent from the city’s actions.

She additionally affairs to booty added measures to anticipate the Auto and Limousine Commission and the burghal from inflating auto prices in the future.

Nino Hervias, a auto buyer and agent for the Auto Brand Buyer Driver Association, which represents abounding immigrant auto owners, said that it was time that the burghal was captivated anon accountable for antibacterial the chicken auto industry and blame so abounding drivers into bankruptcy.

“Finally, we accept addition who is absorption on how this accomplished daydream started,” he said. “What we are attractive for appropriate now is allusive solutions.”

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