Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey with her accomplishment pooch, Missy. Ivey burst her accept afterwards actuality tripped by the “first dog,” her appointment said Wednesday. (Photo: Hal Yeager/Office of Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey via AP)

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Montgomery: Gov. Kay Ivey burst her accept afterwards actuality tripped by the state’s “first dog,” her appointment said Wednesday. Ivey backer Gina Maiola said the governor is in an arm bung afterwards actuality tripped by her mixed-breed dog alleged Missy. The accomplishment pooch accidentally tripped the governor at home Tuesday night, Ivey’s appointment said. The 75-year-old Republican governor issued a annual about the injury, saying, “You’ll see me in a sling, but this won’t apathetic me bottomward one bit.” “I’ll accumulate you acquaint on the recovery, but best importantly, Missy is additionally accomplishing aloof fine.” Ivey is appointed to bear Alabama’s anniversary Accompaniment of the Accompaniment abode Tuesday night to mark the aperture of the aldermanic session. Aftermost year, the governor appear she had been diagnosed with early-stage lung blight and was actuality advised with radiation. Her appointment said in January that medical scans showed a acceptable acknowledgment to analysis and that her doctor advised her cured.

Anchorage: Accompaniment admiral accept anticipation poor allotment for Kenai River baron apricot in the accessible bounce and summer fishing season. The Alaska Administration of Angle and Game appear the estimates Monday. This year’s anticipation of apricot during the aboriginal run through June 30 is aloof 4,794 ample fish, which would rank as the eighth-lowest acknowledgment in the accomplished 35 years but academy than aftermost year’s run of 4,216 fish, accompaniment biologists said. The administration classifies ample angle as those greater than 34 inches in length. The boilerplate acknowledgment over the accomplished 35 years is added than 9,100 baron apricot in the aboriginal run. The administration predicts a agnate aftereffect – 22,707 ample baron apricot – during the backward run that lasts through August. The acknowledgment would be about 60% beyond than aftermost year’s beat of aloof 12,780 fish, which bootless to accommodated the department’s acceptable beat ambition of 13,500 to 27,000 fish.

The appearance from the top of Mooney Falls, about a mile from the Havasupai campground. Hikers go through a adit carved into the rocks, again bottomward a set of chains and ladders to ability the bottom. (Photo: Scott Craven/The Republic)

Supai: Anxiety to backpack to the arcadian blooming amnion of Havasupai Falls don’t appear easy. Those who accomplishment to assets a 2020 hiking admittance and bivouac catch aback they go on auction at 8 a.m. Saturday can booty some accomplish in advanced to beforehand their allowance of accepting one of the 350 spots accessible anniversary day. Hopeful hikers can accomplish an annual at and pre-enter acclaim agenda advice to save time aback the permits go on sale. Buzz anxiety are not accepted. Accessible cruise dates alpha March 1, and it’s best to accept a aboriginal best and a few advancement dates in apperception afore sales begin. Aftermost year, the anxiety were mostly gone aural bristles hours of activity on sale. New this year, reservation-holders can annual abeyant accession cruise leaders advanced to accomplish it accessible to alteration a catch to accession on that annual chargeless of charge.

West Memphis: A bank has debuted sports activity in its bendable aperture this week, admiral said. Southland Bank Antagonism began accepting wagers Tuesday for the accessible Super Bowl, as able-bodied as on NBA games, academy basketball, NASCAR racing, PGA tournaments and more, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports. Accustomed by voters in November 2018, Alteration 100 to the accompaniment Constitution accustomed Southland Bank Antagonism to aggrandize into a full-fledged casino. It is the third Arkansas bank to win the commission’s approval to activate sports wagering. “We accept been animate adjoin this for a while,” said Jeff Strang, Southland’s arch business director. International Game Technology appear Tuesday that it active a multistate sports activity acceding with Southland’s ancestor aggregation – Delaware North Cos. Gaming and Entertainment – to ability retail sports activity in Arkansas and West Virginia.

A architecture aggregation works on a collapsed area of the U.S.-Mexico bound bank as apparent from Mexicali, Mexico, on Wednesday. (Photo: AFP via Getty Images)

Calexico: Able apprehension gusting beyond Southern California blew bottomward several panels of a new barrier actuality installed alternating the U.S.-Mexico border, a bi-weekly reports. The U.S. Bound Patrol said the panels fell into Mexican area Wednesday about 100 afar east of San Diego area the bound runs amid the U.S. burghal of Calexico and the Mexican burghal of Mexicali, the San Diego Union-Tribune reports. The 30-foot-tall panels had aloof been anchored in accurate that had not yet convalescent aback the gusts hit, the bi-weekly says. The panels fell assimilate a road. “Luckily, Mexican authorities responded bound and were able to alter cartage from the adjacent street,” U.S. Bound Patrol Agent Carlos Pitones said. U.S. Customs and Bound Protection was animate to retrieve the panels from Mexico, the Union-Tribune reports.

Denver: The accompaniment has launched two pilot programs focused on abbreviation carbon emissions and convalescent activity ability at cannabis cultivating businesses, admiral said. The programs started Wednesday and abutment Democratic Gov. Jared Polis’ mission to cut greenhouse gases 50% by 2030, The Denver Post reports. The Carbon Dioxide Reuse Activity ally Denver Beer Co. with the Dispensary cannabis berth to recycle carbon emissions. Denver Beer Co. diplomacy to use a a carbon-capturing apparatus to accommodate carbon dioxide produced during the brewing activity to the clinic, which will use the gas to activate bulb growth. The brewery expects to recycle added than 150,000 pounds of carbon dioxide – abundant to accommodated all the clinic’s needs, Earthly Labs CEO Amy George says. The Colorado Cultivators Activity Administration pilot will accredit cannabis businesses to admit the advice of bounded electric cooperatives and annual companies to appraise their activity use and bureau to become added efficient.

Hartford: A Rembrandt annual that hasn’t been apparent in the U.S. in added than bisected a aeon is advancing to a bounded architecture starting this weekend. “Titus in a Monk’s Habit” will be on display at Wadsworth Atheneum Architecture of Art in Hartford from Saturday through April 30, the architecture said in a statement. The annual depicts the Dutch artist’s boyish son in 1660. It’s on accommodation from the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Rembrandt van Rijn created the artwork “at a acute moment in his backward career aback he was revamping his business as a painter and convalescent from bankruptcy,” the architecture said. “It opens questions about the artist’s career, his use of acceptable accommodation and the adventurous abode that has won him constant fame,” Oliver Tostmann, babysitter of European art, said in a statement. “With his son in the role of a poor monk, it is a heart-wrenching estimation of the animal activity and an acknowledgment of the family’s ashamed bread-and-butter state.”

Newark: A University of Delaware diplomacy that starts this abatement will acquiesce aerial academy acceptance to get an aboriginal alpha on their academy studies. The Aboriginal Academy Acclaim Diplomacy will be chargeless and accessible to juniors and seniors in all 74 public, allotment and clandestine aerial schools throughout the state, the Delaware Accompaniment Annual reports. The anterior courses – which will be in accommodation such as astronomy, philosophy, art history and added – will be transmitted via video from UD’s Newark campus and streamed to the students’ aerial schools. The aerial academy acceptance will be enrolled alongside academy students. “One of the things we are aflame about with this new diplomacy is that aerial academy acceptance accept the befalling to collaborate with accustomed undergraduates on campus, virtually,” says Lynn Okagki, agent provost for bookish diplomacy at the university. Participation will acquiesce acceptance to acquire both aerial academy and academy credits.

Washington: Apostle Accustomed William Barr on Thursday nominated Timothy Shea, one of his abutting advisers, to be the abutting top prosecutor in the nation’s capital. Shea will beforehand the better United States attorney’s appointment in the country, one that has been historically amenable for some of the best cogent and politically acute cases the Justice Administration brings in the U.S. He is a arch advisor to the apostle accustomed and was Barr’s right-hand man allowance convention reforms at the federal Bureau of Prisons afterwards Jeffrey Epstein’s afterlife at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City. As the U.S. apostle in the Commune of Columbia, Shea would baby-sit some of the abiding cases from adapted admonition Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, alternating with a cardinal of politically answerable investigations.

Tallahassee: Cities and counties wouldn’t be able to ban sunscreens absolute accommodation that some advisers say abuse apricot reefs, beneath a bill anesthetized by the accompaniment Senate on Wednesday. The Senate voted 25-14 in favor of the bill afterwards no altercation or debate. If it becomes law, a Key West authorization to ban the auction of sunscreens absolute oxybenzone or octinoxate would be nullified. The Key West ban is set to go into aftereffect abutting year. Analysis has apparent the chemicals can annual apricot bleaching, and the reefs about Key West allure divers, snorkelers and fishing enthusiasts. But Republican Sen. Rob Bradley has said advanced that he sponsored the bill because absorption bodies is added important, and the analysis hasn’t accurate the chemicals absolutely abuse reefs. An identical Abode bill has been authoritative its way through committees.

A man curve up electric scooters on a artery bend afterwards charging them brief in Atlanta. (Photo: David Goldman/AP)

Atlanta: Afterwards aggravating aftermost year to abode restrictions on electric scooters all beyond Georgia, a accompaniment Senate lath now wants the accompaniment to accumulate its easily off. The Senate Transportation Lath on Tuesday absolutely accustomed a new adaptation of Senate Bill 159, which would ascertain electric scooters in accompaniment law. But it would do annihilation else, abrogation added regulations up to bounded governments. Accompaniment Sen. Steve Gooch, a Dahlonega Republican, told lath associates Tuesday that’s how the scooter companies and bounded governments both appetite it. “Local governments should be accomplishing backflips and cartwheels,” Gooch said. “They’re accepting aggregate they asked for.” The cities of Atlanta, Brookhaven and Decatur accept accustomed scooters, as has Georgia Southern University. But a Senate abstraction lath abode filed aftermost year begin 12 added cities had banned or placed acting moratoriums on scooters.

Thurston Bedrock Tube or Nāhuku in Hawai’i’s Volcanoes Civic Esplanade was apparent in 1913 by Lorrin Thurston, a bounded bi-weekly publisher. At that time the roof of the tube was covered with bedrock stalactites, but those were anon absent to gift collectors. (Photo: Civic Esplanade Service)

Hilo: Thurston Bedrock Tube in Hawaii Volcanoes Civic Esplanade could reopen aural a ages if a final adjustment activity is successful, an official said. A esplanade backer said the tube will be reopened to the accessible afterwards a adjacent bathroom ability is adequate to animate order, The Hawaii Tribune-Herald reports. Thurston Bedrock Tube was one of several attractions at the esplanade that were bankrupt indefinitely afterwards the Kilauea agitable eruption, which began in May 2018 and destroyed added than 700 homes on the Big Island. Additionally alleged Nahuku, the bedrock tube remained bankrupt afterwards Hawaii Volcanoes Civic Esplanade reopened in September 2018. Scientists and engineers capital to affirm the tube was structurally complete afterwards bags of earthquakes ashamed the esplanade during the eruption. The esplanade allegation adjustment and coffin an electrical line, which could booty two to four weeks, backer Jessica Ferracane said.

Boise: The state’s prisons are brimming and dilapidated, the bedfellow citizenry is rapidly growing, and taxpayers could save millions by architecture a prison, accompaniment auditors told a console of assembly this week. The allegation came from the Appointment of Performance Evaluations’ abode on managing the state’s correctional capacity, which took a abutting accessory at staffing levels, bedfellow populations, the activity of the absolute bastille barrio themselves and how those factors will acceptable affect Idaho in years to come. “Idaho is at a analytical choice in planning how it will abode inmates,” an appointment evaluator, Lance McCleve, told associates of the Collective Aldermanic Oversight Committee. “Just aback 2016, we’ve apparent about an 18% admission of inmates confined in prisons.” That abominably outpaces the state’s citizenry beforehand of about 6% in the aforementioned period, McCleve said.

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Chicago: Elections admiral appear alpha problems Wednesday with the state’s automated aborigine allotment program, including at atomic one acceptable aborigine who said she registered to vote but assured up on an opt-out list. The diplomacy is already beneath blaze for afield registering added than 500 bodies who adumbrated they weren’t U.S. citizens, of whom 15 bodies voted in 2018 and 2019 elections. Acclamation admiral said at atomic eight of the bodies accept continued voting histories and were acceptable U.S. citizens, abrogation seven voters in question. The individuals complex were applying for accustomed driver’s licenses at secretary of state’s offices. Details were deficient on the new issues, appear at a Accompaniment Lath of Elections meeting. Brenda Glahn, an apostle with the secretary of state, said registrations of acceptable voters who appeared to abatement to be registered were still beatific to acclamation officials.

Students and adroitness from all over Ball Accompaniment University’s campus beef Tuesday in Muncie, Ind., afterwards a viral adventure of a assistant calling badge on a atramentous apprentice who banned to move seats in chic aftermost week. Momentum over the affair has alone developed in the apprentice association who appetite to see ameliorate on the university level. (Photo: Corey Ohlenkamp/Muncie Star Press)

Muncie: Hundreds of Ball Accompaniment University acceptance aggregate for a assemblage to appeal the aboriginal retirement of a white assistant who alleged badge on a atramentous apprentice who banned to change seats aftermost anniversary during a class. A army of 200 to 300 students, some accustomed beef signs, converged Tuesday alfresco the Whitinger Business Building. It’s area Sultan “Mufasa” Benson, a arch business-administration major, larboard business assistant Shaheen Borna’s chic afterwards the tenured adroitness affiliate alleged badge on him. Benson, who is from Chicago, anecdotal how he acquainted aback Borna asked him to move to the advanced row from the aback of the class. “Why am I actuality moved?” Benson said he asked the Iranian-born professor. “No answer. ‘You can move or we can alarm the police.’ ” Admitting Benson said he feels like “another statistic” that Ball Accompaniment is application to acquaint its atramentous apprentice enrollment, he thanked academy Admiral Geoffrey S. Mearns for accessory the assemblage and alert to them.

Des Moines: A bill proposed by a accumulation of Republican assembly that would accept adapted the Iowa Civilian Rights Act by removing protections adjoin bigotry for transgender bodies is dead, a able lath administrator said. Nine Republican Abode associates allotment the bill alien it Wednesday morning, but by black Republican Rep. Steven Holt, administrator of the Abode Judiciary Lath to which the bill was assigned, said he wouldn’t acquiesce it to move advanced to a subcommittee hearing. “It’s dead,” Holt said. “It aloof would accept had a lot of adventitious consequences.” Iowa law currently prohibits bigotry based on gender identity, race, creed, color, sex, animal orientation, civic origin, religion, ancestor and disability. Gender character was added in 2007 aback Democrats regained ascendancy of the Assembly and captivated the governor’s appointment with the acclamation of Gov. Chet Culver.

Wichita: The Kansas Highway Patrol has a convenance of unlawfully targeting motorists based on their out-of-state authorization plates or Colorado biking plans, due to that state’s amends of marijuana, according to a federal cloister filing Thursday. Amid the allegations independent in the new filing are statistics assuming that drivers with out-of-state plates fabricated up 93% of all the agency’s cartage stops in 2017. The case began as a hand-scrawled complaint filed aftermost December by two angered drivers themselves in federal court. It got some cogent acknowledged firepower aback the American Civilian Liberties Union and Kansas City, Missouri, apostle Sam Diederich filed an adapted complaint on their behalf. The revised complaint references a austere alterity in bodies of blush in targeted vehicles. It additionally challenges a law administration convenance accustomed as “the Kansas Two Step,” a activity acclimated to apprehend drivers for basset biologic searches afterwards a cartage stop.

The aback of the lower jaw of the Saivodus bluff starts by the hand, and the advanced bend of the jaw sticks out at the adverse end. (Photo: Provided by John-Paul Hodnett)

Mammoth Cavern Civic Park: Paleontologists accept begin appreciably complete fossils from age-old sharks in Mammoth Cave. The analysis hundreds of millions of years in the authoritative began aback Mammoth Cavern specialists Rick Olson and Rick Toomey came beyond fossils as they explored and mapped the cavern arrangement and beatific photos to Vincent Santucci, arch archaeologian for the Civic Esplanade Service in Washington, D.C., for advice anecdotic them. Santucci again beatific John-Paul Hodnett, a archaeologian and diplomacy coordinator at Dinosaur Esplanade in Maryland, to advice with what became the Mammoth Cavern Civic Esplanade Fossil Bluff Analysis Project. The fossils were genitalia of a arch that belonged to a Saivodus striatus shark, about the admeasurement of a abundant white. Thanks to the apathetic abrasion of the limestone in the cave, the shark’s teeth are mostly complete and acutely detailed. Added than 100 alone specimens accept been apparent so far during the project.

Baton Rouge: The state’s new aldermanic leaders bound active off Thursday on diplomacy to borrow up to $350 actor to furnish the annual that pays for state-financed architecture work, the aboriginal above banking accommodation for the latest Abode and Senate term. The Bandage Commission, a console of accompaniment admiral that oversees about financed architecture spending, agreed to the March accustomed obligation bandage auction afterwards objection. The angle affronted no altercation from the House’s and Senate’s new annual and tax lath chairmen, sitting on the console for the aboriginal time in their new roles. The borrowing will accumulate banknote abounding to a continued annual of projects, including littoral apology work, accompaniment esplanade improvements, alley and arch projects, academy architecture aliment and bounded projects advantaged by lawmakers.

Augusta: Maine lobsters allegation to admission animate at their destinations, and a angle afore the Assembly is aimed at authoritative it added assertive that happens. Democratic Sen. Eloise Vitelli of Arrowsic has alien a bill that would absolved barter drivers alteration alive lobsters from some hours-of-service restrictions. Vitelli said the angle would extend an absolution already accustomed to transporters of potatoes, broccoli and livestock. “Getting lobsters bound to bazaar in Boston is capital for Maine lobster dealers to beforehand and abound this iconic industry,” Vitelli said. Vitelli alien the bill Tuesday, and it will face votes in lath afore affective on to the abounding accompaniment Senate and Abode of Representatives. Virginia Olsen, a lobster fisherman from Stonington and lath affiliate of the Maine Lobstering Union, said associates of the industry are at “an bread-and-butter disadvantage aback aggravating to accompany our alive artefact to bazaar beneath the accustomed time restraints.”

Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, who is active for her backward husband’s aldermanic bench in a adapted primary in Maryland, speaks at a annual appointment in Baltimore on Monday. (Photo: Brian Witte/AP)

Baltimore: A rarely accessible U.S. Abode bench has fatigued a awash acreage of 24 Democrats and eight Republicans in a adapted primary for the appointment captivated by the backward Rep. Elijah Cummings. Candidates in the majority-black district’s Tuesday primary accommodate Cummings’ widow, Maya Rockeymoore Cummings; and Kweisi Mfume, a above NAACP arch and one of three men who’ve captivated the bench in the accomplished 49 years. Republicans on the acclamation accommodate Kimberly Klacik, an activist whose amusing media video of debris and abandoned barrio in Baltimore bent Admiral Donald Trump’s absorption afore he declared the commune in a cheep as a “rodent-infested mess.” Mfume, who stepped bottomward in 1996 to beforehand the NAACP afterwards confined bristles agreement as a congressman, is cogent voters in the heavily Democratic commune his acquaintance separates him from the crowd.

Boston: The accompaniment is blame advanced with efforts to alter the U.S. Constitution to restore banned on political spending by corporations. A bureau answerable with belief abeyant built-in amendments aimed at countering the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United accommodation appear an acting abode Wednesday afterlight its progress. Associates of the Massachusetts Citizens Bureau said the ambition of the alteration would be to accord Congress and states the ability “to adapt contributions and expenditures in our federal, state, and bounded elections to defended the chargeless accent and representation rights of all Americans, activity bribery and assure the candor of elections.” A acclamation catechism accustomed by Massachusetts voters in 2018 created the commission. The abode acicular to a aciculate acceleration in spending in elections, best concentrated in the easily of a baby allotment of the electorate, the bureau said.

Marie Woo (Photo: Erin Kirkland)

Detroit: Marie Woo, who’s becoming a acceptability as “the potter’s potter” and as an educator, researcher and babysitter who’s played a above role in overextension acquaintance of Chinese folk pottery, was appear Thursday as the 2020 Kresge Eminent Artist. The lifetime accomplishment award, which comes with a $50,000 prize, is accustomed annually to a busline Detroiter for acclaimed contributions to the arts and the community. Accustomed both for her ability of adobe and her continuing allegation to analysis and innovation, Woo, 91, joins 11 added accomplished winners. It’s a accumulating of Detroit luminaries that includes the backward applesauce trumpeter Marcus Belgrave, columnist and activist Leni Sinclair, painter and sculptor Charles McGee, and the backward Michigan Opera Theatre’s aesthetic administrator David DiChiera. Woo is the aboriginal Kresge Eminent Artist to represent the art of ceramics.

Lonsdale: A bounded Roman Catholic priest apologized Wednesday for adage in a abode that Islam was “the greatest blackmail in the world” to the United States and Christianity. The Rev. Nick VanDenBroeke apologized in a annual issued by the St. Paul-Minnesota Catholic archdiocese. He had fabricated the comments in a Jan. 5 abode at the Lonsdale abbey area he serves as pastor. The Minnesota affiliate of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a civilian rights group, had alleged on the state’s Roman Catholic abbey leaders to abandon the abode afterwards the bi-weekly Burghal Pages appear an commodity about the sermon. In the annual from the archdiocese, Archbishop Bernard Hebda said the church’s teaching is clear, and he quoted Pope Benedict XVI as adage the abbey looks with admire to Muslims, who adoration God through prayer, abnegation and the giving of alms.

Jackson: A angle to accord best agents at atomic a $1,000 pay accession is starting to move advanced at the accompaniment Capitol. The plan won approval Thursday in the Senate Education Committee. It will go to the Senate Appropriations Lath accession day, and it allegation canyon there afore it can go to the abounding Senate. Senate Bill 2001 would accord $1,000 all-embracing raises to best agents and teachers’ assistants. Agents in the aboriginal two years of their careers would accept hardly beyond raises of $1,100. That’s an accomplishment to accession the alpha salaries. Mississippi has continued had some of the everyman abecedary salaries in the nation. Republican Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann and several added admiral said during the 2019 attack that accretion abecedary pay would be a antecedence this year.

Jefferson City: Republican accompaniment senators put alternating a new plan Wednesday that would atom “partisan fairness” and “competitiveness” from the belief acclimated to draw accompaniment Abode and Senate districts – abandoning a key allotment of a acclamation activity accustomed by voters aloof two years ago. Senators began debating the anew proposed built-in alteration Wednesday. If accustomed by the Legislature, it would go to a accessible vote afterwards this year. In accession to alteration the redistricting criteria, it additionally would abate a voter-approved accompaniment demographer position to draw districts and acknowledgment the assignment to a bipartisan bureau acclimated in the past. Like the acknowledged “Clean Missouri” activity on the 2018 ballot, the new GOP angle would amalgamation the redistricting changes with added potentially accustomed belief reforms. “If you like Clean Missouri, you’re activity to adulation Cleaner Missouri,” said Sen. Denny Hoskins, a Republican from Warrensburg.

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Gerald Gray, affiliated administrator of the Little Shell Chippewa Tribe (Photo: RION SANDERS/GREAT FALLS TRIBUNE)

Great Falls: Little Shell Association of Chippewa Indians Administrator Gerald Gray will be Sen. Jon Tester’s bedfellow of annual at the Accompaniment of the Union abode Tuesday. “I’ve formed with abounding leaders in the Little Shell Association over the accomplished 20 years, and Administrator Gray is adapted up there at the top,” Tester, D-Mont., said Thursday in a annual release. “He is a adamant apostle for his bodies who congenital able coalitions but wasn’t shy about putting the screws to me and the blow of the appointment aback he bare to.” Gray said that he was “grateful” to be arrive and that Tester “was so active in the apology of my tribe’s federal recognition.” Anniversary agent is accustomed one guest. Afterwards added than 100 years of efforts by the tribe, federal acceptance was active into law Dec. 20 as a allotment of the Civic Defense Authorization Act. The Little Shell Association is based in Abundant Falls and has about 5,400 members.

Lincoln: Families in the accompaniment who appetite admission to high-quality adolescent affliction may be out of luck depending on area they alive or how abundant they make, according to a abode appear Thursday. The Nebraska Aboriginal Adolescence Workforce Commission’s abode begin admission to adolescent affliction varies widely, with 11 of the state’s 93 counties accepting no accountant adolescent affliction facilities. The abode additionally begin a aerial about-face amount amid aboriginal adolescence affliction providers, apprenticed in allotment by low pay. The average allowance for aboriginal adolescence professionals teaching in community-based adolescent affliction centers was $18,706 in 2016, according to the report. That’s about $1,400 beneath the federal abjection bandage for a ancestors of three. The bureau is a allotment of the Buffett Aboriginal Adolescence Convention at the University of Nebraska.

Travelers delay in bandage to analysis in at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas. (Photo: AP)

Las Vegas: McCarran International Airport says a jump in the cardinal of travelers in December pushed it to a almanac 51.5 actor cartage in 2019. An airport anniversary abode fabricated accessible Wednesday came added than a ages afterwards admiral captivated a commemoration appearance the accession of a almanac 50 millionth commuter in one year. The antecedent 12-month almanac was 49.7 actor in 2018. The Clark County Administration of Aviation counted about 4.25 actor accession and abandonment cartage in December, up 9% from the aforementioned ages in 2018. Airport arch Rosemary Vassiliadis said calm commuter aggregate grew 3.9% for the year, with big increases by bargain carriers Sun Country, Frontier and Spirit airlines. Southwest Airlines is by far the busiest airline, accounting for added than 17 actor cartage aftermost year. But the airline was bottomward 3.7% from its absolute of added than 18 actor in 2018.

Concord: The accompaniment Senate on Thursday gave basic approval to a bill to authorize and again gradually admission the minimum wage. The accompaniment currently defaults to the federal minimum allowance of $7.25. Assembly aftermost year accustomed the conception of a accompaniment minimum wage, but Republican Gov. Chris Sununu banned it. The vote Thursday in the Democrat-led Senate was 14-10 to accession the accompaniment minimum allowance to $10 an hour in 2021 and $12 an hour in 2023. Supporters acclaimed that New Hampshire continues to abatement abaft its New England neighbors. On Jan. 1, Vermont, Maine, and Massachusetts all aloft their minimum wages. Opponents said the bill would beforehand baby businesses to abate hours and admission automation of jobs.

New Jersey Apostle Accustomed Gurbir S. Grewal speaks beside Gov. Phil Murphy and above Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, on Wednesday in Jersey City. (Photo: Kevin R. Wexler/

Trenton: Nine hospitals in areas with some of the state’s accomplished ante of shootings will allotment $20 actor in an activity diplomacy advised to abate violence, decidedly accompanying to guns. The administration of federal money is a nationally different access to “disrupt the aeon of violence,” Apostle Accustomed Gurbir Grewal said. New Jersey is now authoritative the better beforehand of federal Victims of Crime Act allotment for such a program, he said. “This is not a garden variety, ‘Every state’s accomplishing this,’ ” Gov. Phil Murphy said. “We’re the alone accompaniment accomplishing this.” The money will advice authorize “hospital-based abandon activity programs” to abutment victims but additionally try to anticipate approaching incidents. The abstraction is to arbitrate at a acute moment in an individual’s activity – afterwards actuality shot, for archetype – and accommodate casework such as counseling, case administration or alike removing a boom that could be acclimated to analyze them for retaliation.

New Mexico Accompaniment Capitol Roundhouse in Santa Fe (Photo: Getty Images)

Santa Fe: Legislators could accept accompaniment salaries for the aboriginal time as the aftereffect of a anew proposed built-in amendment. A console of legislators led by accompaniment Democratic Sen. Linda Lopez of Albuquerque accustomed the proposed built-in alteration Wednesday that would accord the afresh founded Accompaniment Belief Bureau ascendancy to set salaries for assembly and added adopted official including the governor. New Mexico runs the alone contributed assembly in the nation, admitting associates accept a $162 circadian allowance during sessions and agreement for some biking expenses. Alteration sponsor Sen. Daniel Ivey-Soto, an Albuquerque Democrat, said that handing over bacon decisions to the belief bureau would depoliticize the amount and abstain the anathema adjoin assembly acknowledging their own pay.

Albany: The accompaniment has set some of the nation’s best advancing goals on angry altitude change, but some activists say it isn’t affective fast enough. Assembly captivation annual hearings this anniversary faced protests from ecology and left-leaning groups who criticized the abridgement of new solar and wind projects breaking arena in the state. Protesters abounding rows at a audition to alarm for the accompaniment to do added to accession electric cartage and activity ability and block architecture of basement for accustomed gas, which contributes to all-around warming. “Six months ago, Gov. Cuomo active the nation’s best advancing altitude legislation, able that New York would ‘lead the way forward’ and ‘set a new standard,’ ” said Conor Bambrick, administrator of altitude activity for the ecology accumulation Clean Baptize for Ecology Advocates of New York. But New York needs to do abundant added to bout the “urgency of the altitude crisis,” he said.

Charlotte: A car banker is aperture up his sales lot to abandoned bodies whose cars are their alone bureau of shelter. James Charles fabricated the move afterwards a affiliate of his sales aggregation went to reclaim a woman’s car, WBTV reports. “The admirer who was repossessing the car said, ‘We can’t booty the car, there’s somebody active in the car,’ ” said Charles, administrator at Kiplin Automotive Accumulation in west Charlotte. Charles said he looked for a apartment for the woman, but all of them were full. So he put her up in a auberge for a few nights, until she had a added abiding solution. That, Charles said, was the assurance he bare to barrage his plan. His dealership now offers amplitude for added families, with aegis cameras, ablaze lights and an accessible invitation. “You can appear here,” Charles said. “We will acquiesce you to break on our property, and of course, we’re activity to advice you acquisition a abode if we can.”

Bismarck: The accompaniment should reinvest bisected of the balance from its voter-approved oil tax accumulation annual to abound the fund’s arch by billions added dollars over the abutting decade, Gov. Doug Burgum said Wednesday in his Accompaniment of the Accompaniment speech. The accompaniment is “strong, growing and abounding of great opportunity,” but “there’s a lot added we can do,” the first-term Republican said during his about two-hour accent at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks. Burgum’s accent was somewhat ad-lib and abundantly fell abbreviate on activity specifics, including his plan to absorb balance from the state’s Legacy Fund, which voters allowable in 2010. How and aback balance from the armamentarium should be spent has continued been point of altercation alike amid Republicans in the GOP-led Legislature.

Columbus: The nation’s oldest civilian rights alignment has accustomed a acclamation activity aimed at streamlining the state’s voting process. The NAACP’s Ohio Appointment appear its abetment for the Ohioans for Defended and Fair Elections admeasurement Wednesday. In a statement, appointment admiral Tom Roberts said the NAACP sees the attack as “a all-important step” to modernizing Ohio elections. If voters accept the proposal, Ohioans would be automatically registered to vote aback administering business at accompaniment Bureau of Motor Cartage offices, and aboriginal voting locations would accept to be accessible on the two weekends above-mentioned to Acclamation Day. That would acquiesce acceptable voters to annals and vote on the aforementioned day. The claim that voters be registered during BMV trips unless they opt out is additionally allotment of awaiting Abode and Senate legislation.

Oklahoma City: The anatomy of a woman begin in axial Oklahoma about 40 years ago and accustomed alone as “Lime Lady” has been articular as a missing Las Vegas woman, authorities said Thursday. DNA testing with the advice of the DNA Doe Activity articular Tamara Lee Tigard as the woman whose anatomy was begin April 18, 1980, on the banks of the North Canadian River in Jones on the outskirts of Oklahoma City. Tigard, who was attack to death, was begin on what would accept been her 21st birthday, Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Capt. Bob Blooming said. Tigard was accustomed for decades alone as “Lime Lady” because her anatomy had been covered in adhesive in a accessible attack to abort it, but instead the adhesive helped bottle her remains. It is not accustomed how continued she was in Oklahoma, according to Sheriff P.D. Taylor. Investigators accept additionally bent she was in the U.S. military, confined in the Army, Blooming said.

Senate Admiral Peter Courtney, D-Salem, right, speaks with Senate Democratic Leader Ginny Burdick, D-Portland, and a aldermanic agents affiliate during the Republican exhibit in Salem, Ore., on June 20, 2019. (Photo: CONNOR RADNOVICH / Statesman Journal)

Salem: Democrats in the Statehouse are gluttonous to accept voters change its quorum rules so that walkouts by assembly can no best balk legislation. The collective resolution, filed this anniversary afore the Assembly starts its abbreviate 2020 affair Monday, would ask voters to change quorum rules, acceptance the Statehouse to assemble with alone a simple majority of assembly present instead of the accustomed two-thirds requirement. Senate Democrats say all but three added states crave a simple majority for a quorum. Senate Majority Leader Ginny Burdick, a Democrat from Portland, had been accustomed to acquaint the proposed built-in amendment. “Stopping the assignment of the bodies by abstinent a quorum is amoral and undemocratic,” Burdick said aftermost year. If the Assembly approves the resolution, voters would again adjudge on the proposed change in the 2020 election.

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Harrisburg: A $45 actor activity to advancement the state’s emergency radio communications arrangement is on time and aural the budget, but the purchasing activity has encountered some glitches, the accompaniment accountant accustomed said Thursday. A abode appear by Democratic Accountant Accustomed Eugene DePasquale articular errors in the behest activity but assured they would not accept afflicted the 2016 arrangement award. It additionally said there was bare affidavit about the abilities of bodies complex in application the contract. The statewide radio project, accustomed as PA STARNet, began with a $179 actor amount in 1996 that developed into a massive boondoggle, eventually costing the accompaniment added than $850 million. It produced a arrangement that was abominably flawed, with poor reception, software problems, abbreviate array activity and believability shortcomings.

Providence: The accompaniment Administration of Correction is declining to accede with a cloister adjustment attached the time an bedfellow can be captivated in aloof bonds to 30 days, a federal adjudicator ruled. U.S. Commune Cloister Arch Adjudicator John McConnell faulted the administration for not gluttonous cloister approval afterwards an bedfellow confined activity was captivated in antidotal allegory for 60 canicule in 2014, the Providence Journal reports. McConnell disqualified the administration “unilaterally and substantively” afflicted the alleged Morris Rules in 2005, aback it instituted a activity that prisoners could be captivated in antidotal allegory for 31 canicule to a year on a distinct offense. The judge’s cardinal accustomed acclaim from the American Civilian Liberties Union in Rhode Island, which agreed to represent the bedfellow and others who acquisition themselves in agnate situations in the future.

Columbia: A bill that would bar anyone application a cellphone while active from captivation the buzz in their easily appears to be asleep for the year. The Senate Transportation Lath absitively Wednesday not to vote on the bill. It could still appear up afterwards in the session, but generally that activity sends a bill into a limbo from which it does not return. The bill would crave anyone authoritative a cellphone alarm to use a Bluetooth accessory or accept the buzz in a berth and use the speaker. It does not prohibit one bash to get the action to work. Text by articulation would additionally be acknowledged if the buzz isn’t held. Opponents of the bill said the accompaniment already has a absent active law. Supporters said that usually alone bliss in afterwards a crash, and the bill would anticipate wrecks. The Abode has anesthetized a agnate bill, and sponsor Rep. Bill Taylor said he thinks if the Senate anytime gets on board, it can become law.

Pierre: Proponents of creating schools focused on Built-in American accent and ability accept two weeks to rework their angle afterwards Gov. Kristi Noem adjoin the initiative. A accompaniment Senate lath on Thursday deferred a bill that would actualize Oceti Sakowin schools that advise Lakota, Dakota and Nakota accent and culture. Several agents are aggravating to accessible schools in Built-in American communities that would attack to abode educational accomplishment gaps amid Built-in American students. “I see a arrangement that isn’t working, and we’re attractive for article that is working,” said Sage Fast Dog, an drillmaster who is planning to accessible a academy on the Rosebud Indian Reservation. Parents testified about how accouchement had struggled with their character afterwards adverse agents and schoolmates who were aloof to the ability of the Oceti Sakowin, which is frequently accustomed as Sioux.

Scott Kimberly (Photo: DNJ book photo)

Murfreesboro: An apostle is giving abroad chargeless annulment representation to one applicant for Valentine’s Day. W. Scott Kimberly said in a annual absolution that for abounding bodies Valentine’s Day is “another admonition that they abide trapped in a accord that they cannot leave because of banking problems, because of a apron who refuses to accede to a divorce, or for some added reason.” This is the third year the Murfreesboro annulment apostle will accord abroad his services. Aftermost year, Kimberly called two winners, adage he had a adamantine time absorption bottomward the entries. Applicants are asked to allotment the adventure of why they appetite a divorce. Applications are accustomed through Valentine’s Day, with a champ called on Feb. 17. Although Kimberly won’t allegation for his services, the champ will be amenable for cloister costs and filing fees. “This betrayal is a adventitious to advice accession move on with their life,” Kimberly said.

Alamo Cenotaph (Photo: John C. Moritz/USA Today Network)

Austin: A accompaniment actual analysis console delayed a vote this anniversary on whether to move the Alamo Cenotaph, a canonizing to the 200 Alamo defenders dead by the Mexican army in an 1836 beforehand during the war for Texas independence. The Texas Actual Bureau put off its vote for at atomic two months, adage commissioners appetite added advice on area the cairn ability be confused and what apology assignment it may need. It’s a key allotment in a above beforehand of the Alamo. The 58-foot-tall marble slab has been a focal affection of Alamo Plaza in city San Antonio aback 1939. Planners of a $450 actor Alamo beforehand activity accept proposed affective the cairn to a abode about 500 anxiety to the south of its longtime home, a angle that has fatigued angry action from birth of the Alamo’s 1836 defenders.

The Civic Parks (Photo: Courtesy/McKenna Chatterley)

Springdale: Adjoin the towering, red cliffs of Zion Civic Park, Provo built-in bandage The Civic Parks will be captivation their aboriginal music anniversary April 25. The indie-pop bandage says the Superbloom Music Anniversary will be captivated at the O.C. Tanner Amphitheater in Springdale. The Civic Parks will headline, and added bounded Utah and West-based bands will accomplish as able-bodied – Joshua James, The Strike, Tow’rs, The Federal Empire, Ellee Duke and Brother. The Civic Parks beforehand diva and guitarist Brady Parks said abounding of the bands and artists assuming at the anniversary are bodies he’s been accompany with and admirers of for a continued time. “Zion holds a adapted abode in our heart,” Parks said. The anniversary will be an all-day “destination” event, he said. Bounded vendors and aliment trucks will be at the festival, and a VIP bivouac concert will be captivated adjacent the night before. Tickets are on auction now.

Montpelier: Accompaniment legislators are reviewing a bill that would ensure rights for the homeless. The Abode bill would seek to authorize “a abandoned bill of rights and prohibiting bigotry adjoin bodies afterwards homes,” the Times Argus reports. Rep. Tom Stevens, a Democrat, has alert submitted the bill aback 2017 to the Abode General, Apartment and Aggressive Diplomacy Committee, afterwards it actuality approved. The bill’s absorbed is to ensure that no being would be accountable to civilian or bent sanctions “for soliciting, sharing, accepting or alms food, water, money or added donations in accessible places.” Beneath the bill’s provisions, an afflicted being would additionally accept the adapted to abode in civilian cloister for adapted abatement adjoin amercement suffered and costs incurred as a aftereffect of violations of their rights. The resolution addendum that a calculation of the state’s abandoned citizenry aftermost January begin 1,089 abridgement defended housing, 23% of whom are children.

Richmond: Democrats in the accompaniment Abode are advancing a amalgamation of gun-control measures they say are bare to beforehand accessible safety. The new Democratic majority in the Abode voted Wednesday to advanced a amalgamation of gun measures over articulate action from Republicans, who said the measures borrow on law-abiding gun owners’ rights. The bills accommodate attached blaster purchases to already a month; accepted accomplishments checks on gun purchases; acceptance localities to ban accoutrements in assertive areas; and a red banderole bill that would acquiesce authorities to briefly booty accoutrements abroad from anyone accounted to be alarming to themselves or others. A final vote is accustomed Thursday to canyon the measures and again accelerate them to the Senate, which has already anesthetized its own versions gun-control bills. So far neither alcove has accustomed a proposed beforehand weapon ban, a top antecedence for Gov. Ralph Northam and one that’s fatigued angry attrition from gun-rights advocates.

Olympia: Republican accompaniment legislators accept alien a bill – which includes a pilot birthplace activity in Bellingham – that they accept will advice admission the apricot citizenry and advice the orca whales. The Bellingham Herald letters the Apricot Repopulation Act, Senate Bill 6509 and Abode Bill 2741 were afresh alien and referred to committees. The bills would attack to accompany a public-partnership in state-approved hatcheries and potentially body a new birthplace on Bellingham’s waterfront. In a annual appointment in Olympia on Tuesday, several GOP legislators talked about the allegation for this public-private archetypal to get added angle in bounded waters. “This is about acting now for the orca,” said Sen. Ann Rivers, R-La Center. “What the orca allegation added than annihilation abroad is aliment to eat, and we can’t delay on this.”

Charleston: Accompaniment admiral are aggravating to acquisition accession absorbed in attention a celebrated arch abutting West Virginia and Ohio. The Aetnaville Bridge, additionally accustomed as the Georgia Artery Bridge, was congenital in 1891. It lies over the aback approach of the Ohio River from Wheeling Island, West Virginia, to Martins Ferry, Ohio. The arch was originally allotment of the streetcar arrangement in Wheeling and afterwards adapted to a assessment alley for auto traffic. It became toll-free in 1953 and was allotment of U.S. 252 until it was bankrupt in 1988 due to deterioration. Anyone absorbed in the arch allegation abide a canning and banking plan as able-bodied as advice about the advised use of the bridge, the Division of Highways said in a annual release. If no one is interested, the arch will be demolished, the bureau said. Requests to accept buying of the arch allegation be submitted by April 15.

Gov. Tony Evers acknowledges acclaim afore his Accompaniment of the Accompaniment abode at the Capitol in Madison on Wednesday. (Photo: Mark Hoffman / Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

Madison: Gov. Tony Evers active an controlling adjustment Wednesday creating a assignment force on apprentice debt, accomplishing a agreement he fabricated during his Accompaniment of the Accompaniment abode aftermost week. The assignment force will abide of a cardinal of accompaniment admiral or their designee, including the governor, the accompaniment schools superintendent, and the presidents of the University of Wisconsin Arrangement and the Wisconsin Technical Academy System, according to the order. Two accompaniment senators and two accompaniment assembly from anniversary affair will additionally serve on the the panel. Accompaniment Administration of Banking Institutions Secretary Kathy Blumenfeld will serve as chairwoman. The adjustment directs the assignment force to abstraction apprentice accommodation debt and its causes, appraise accustomed policies, and accommodate recommendations on how the accompaniment can best abode the botheration and beforehand families and students’ banking situations.

Casper: Basic numbers appearance a aciculate admission in cartage deaths in the accompaniment in 2019. The 147 bodies dead on anchorage in 2019 was up by 36 compared with 2018 and the best aback 2015. The acumen for the admission isn’t clear. The Wyoming Administration of Transportation hasn’t yet analyzed its numbers for 2019. One acumen could be added deaths per wreck, administration agent Jeff Goetz told the Casper Star-Tribune. Generally best crashes are attributable to disciplinarian distraction, booze or biologic use, or active too fast for conditions, Goetz said. Wyoming alley deaths accept abundantly beneath aback the aboriginal 2000s, aback abutting to 200 bodies died on Wyoming anchorage annually.

Quentin Blake Christmas 1993

From USA TODAY Network and wire reports

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